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What really annoyed you today

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the total ******* w***** that came through a red light today at oakhampton between me and the 2 cars in front that had just pulled away at the lights ,towing a big car transporter trailer, nearly took the front of my van off, and the car coming from the opp directions front to, ,then had the nerve to give me the w****r sign because i let rip with the horn ?????? got his number and reported him as did the other car driver,must have been a good 15 secs after the lights went green from our side, and he was moving to

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the total ******* w***** that came through a red light today at oakhampton between me and the 2 cars in front that had just pulled away at the lights ,towing a big car transporter trailer, nearly took the front of my van off, and the car coming from the opp directions front to, ,then had the nerve to give me the w****r sign because i let rip with the horn ?????? got his number and reported him as did the other car driver,must have been a good 15 secs after the lights went green from our side, and he was moving to

Irresponsible people like that need to be reported, no disrespect, and if they caused an accident they'll blame you and claim off injury lawyers 4 u due to a fake injury.

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Two things today, the mess my hair was in after getting expanding foam in it! >:(

Was using it to seal the gap round the piece of wood that i had fixed in the chimney to stop the draught as the fireplace is never used. Water makes the foam set and white spirit had no effect, was not happy! luckily after 20 mins or so the stuff was hard and with some effort could be pulled out. An hour later after a lot of hair pulling i look normal again!

The other thing is my finger nail hanginig on by a tiny peice of skin now after bashing it a couple of weeks ago!

I feel your pain mate, I bashed my large toenail on my left foot last night. Needless to say it's broken and attached crooked to my toe now.  >:(

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I had a women inspector that was learning and being assessed, and she c0cked up by making me do an emergancy stop right after an blind bend as she didnt relise how quick i could stop. When pulled of a car came round corner around 60 and overtook and aparently i was dangerous pulling off from there, how could i not when you stoped me there >:(

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Well you will wear sandels tim. ::)

Hells bells that would of hurt,trip to the doctors is it?.  :-\

Doubt it, hasn't really turned black yet. Looks like I have to wait for a few months till the skin under the toenail grows back. BEETie mobile ought to be getting a bit more use then in the upcoming months.  :D :D :D

Suprisingly enough Ol, last time this happened I had to go to the doctor as the toe was twice the size it was supposed to be. The Bloody doctor decided that the best way to get rid of the inflation was to release pressure by drilling twice into the nail, gosh that hurt!  :(

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my lovley employers talking about stopping all leave from now till after xmas,prob feb time as we are so busy??? if so why did 4 guys go home early today becasue we had no work????

getting anoyed now as we have train tickets , thearter tickets and a holtel books for 4 nights over new yaer in london, all non refundable,because i was told i had the 2 days i wanted

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oh well mart, all good things come to an end, thought you were going to say sold to first group western, as we seem to get all the countrys scrap busses for normal runs down here, eh luke

I suppose so, I'm just going to have to try to get to the depot to get my own pics of it before it leaves without embarassing myself to much...... :-\ :D

I did read an article in the paper saying that First were pretty poor in terms of vehicle maintenance and quality etc...... ;)

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Yeah, some of the old stagecoaches are creeping down now, buggered up M reg Mercedes things and all sorts.

Why don't you buy it Mart, make it in to a party bus and invite us all up there for a weekend?

We get loads of tat shipped across the Tay Bridge from Fife now that Strathtay are part of Stagecoach, horrible Volvo rickety things...... :-\

I did actually think about buying it as it would cost less than a tractor due to what's wrong with it but room would be the problem I think, and explaining to Mum and Dad why I want a bus...... :D;)

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