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two very big street light guys who on monday eve, cut a 24 fiber feeding the dockyard down here in half when fittinga new street light, all put back working on tues, but i had to get the hole dug out and do a repair today on the duct for future use, would they dig it  out, would they hell, had to call thier boss down who said i was being unreasionable asking them to dig the whole out to 1 m by 1 m so i could get in,i replyed its slightly unreasonable to expecet me(with an inflatable t shirt on ben ;)) to try and work 5 ft down in a hole only 2 ft in diamet aint it?? and rung our lot to do the dig at thier expense infront of them, they had another gang down to help to 2 misers within 15 mins and hole was dug,  

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yeah, i think i need to practice :-\, its cheap Maplin stuff as well so may be why i guess???

Diane is absolutly brilliant at soldering... she worked for Domino you years doing it.. makes you sick when you see it... she makes it look so easy  >:(:D :D

Bring it over... she'll show you how to do it  ;)

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Lost another day to bad weather today  >:( The field that was meant to be baled and wrapped by today at the latest is still sitting in the bout due to rain, rain and more rain. It had to be cleared for use as a car park for a breed society on farm open day so I was told for Friday morning. Now where are the cars going to be parking I wonder. Maybe I should take my TS135A and a good tow rope along tomorrow  ;)

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i'm having trouble with mine too Mandy, can't go on any web site that needs a user name and pass word. ??? ??? ??? ??? got me well pizzed off.

will ask my m,ate about that mark, as his work lappy was doing the same recently, he had to change some of the settings in the advanced part of ie and it seems to have cured the problem

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i'm having trouble with mine too Mandy, can't go on any web site that needs a user name and pass word. ??? ??? ??? ??? got me well pizzed off.

Have you got an anti virus program on there Mark?  Mine done that to me last year, it changed the Norton settings to parental controls from supervisor so I couldn't get in password/username sites

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will ask my m,ate about that mark, as his work lappy was doing the same recently, he had to change some of the settings in the advanced part of ie and it seems to have cured the problem

thanks mate i've looked but a bit foxed
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Have you got an anti virus program on there Mark?  Mine done that to me last year, it changed the Norton settings to parental controls from supervisor so I couldn't get in password/username sites

mmmmmm i've got norton anti virus etc will have a look , thanks Gav
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mmmmmm i've got norton anti virus etc will have a look , thanks Gav

oooh bad!!!!, hogs up the system!!, our IT people had 50 odd laptops back and removed it as it just uses up resources (dont quote me on that, you know what IT people are like some times!)

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can you reset all your firewall settings to the lowest possible?? ??? ???, i had to when trying to play online games etc., it can be a pain to be honest, sometimes you just want a simple piece of software.

it might also be you need to have the program learn what your doing?,, i think mine did before i removed it?

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