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What really annoyed you today

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The green heads and mosquitoes up on the hillside where my model farm is...blasted things wound not leave me alone for one minute. Also, one of the wild rabbits that has been gorging itself upon the neighbourhood gardens has finally found my sunflower plants...completely ate the top off of one of the plants  >:(

Good news is that I did manage to take enough pictures for a farm journal!  ;D

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Loaded a Merlo roto on my trailer and while getting out of the cab slipped and fell to the ground(about 5 feet) :o :o

I landed on rough concrete on my right foot with my foot at right angles to my leg :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

I did this in Sittingbourne in Kent and after somehow after chaining down the load drove back to the yard :'( :'( :'(

My boss phoned when i wasn't back in the yard by 18.30 and after Itold hom what had happened he proceded to tell me what i'm doing tomorrow :D :D :D>:( >:(>:( >:(

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Loaded a Merlo roto on my trailer and while getting out of the cab slipped and fell to the ground(about 5 feet) :o :o

I landed on rough concrete on my right foot with my foot at right angles to my leg :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

I did this in Sittingbourne in Kent and after somehow after chaining down the load drove back to the yard :'( :'( :'(

My boss phoned when i wasn't back in the yard by 18.30 and after Itold hom what had happened he proceded to tell me what i'm doing tomorrow :D :D :D>:( >:(>:( >:(

not nice!!.....so how is the leg/ankle??

by the way are the hands insured! ;):) :) :)

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not nice!!.....so how is the leg/ankle??About twice the size of the other one and I feel a little sick when I put weight on it ::) ::)::)

by the way are the hands insured! ;):) :) :)

btw Ben i've sprained my right wrist trying to break my fall ??? ???
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not good Paul mate :'( :'( :'( i know want its like, fell through and off lots of roofs in 18 years. most of them when i was younger and still pi##ed from the night before :-[:-[

I'll tell you what mate the way my angle is throbbing i wish i was pi$$ed ;D ;D ;D ;D

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The fact that due to the incident in work yesterday - all the data since last Thursday is lost at the moment and I did a lot on Friday >:(

Also the whole system is repaired or nearly so I won't get a few days off >:( >:(

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ouch paul that sounds nasty mate, best saty of work for a day or two i would say

got to work sunday  down cornwall, to which i recluctantly said yes, due to no body else being able to, have found out now why, was ment to be a 7am start, not to bad, council have now changed it to a 7 pm start as its a main road >:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( so prob wont be home till eraly hrs of monday now ,

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One of the main lift hoses on the bale carrier bursting and attempting to drain the tractor back end of oil........after our local hydraulic firm had shut for the day >:(

always happens after they shut doesnt it mate, surprised they dont have a 24 hr on call guy this time of the year, recon it would pay for its self easy enough

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always happens after they shut doesnt it mate, surprised they dont have a 24 hr on call guy this time of the year, recon it would pay for its self easy enough

They do but it isn't worth the call out fee when it can just as easily wait till the morning ;)

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