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Roaded the tractor and trailer up to Marlborough way, getting there at 19.30 the same time as the header. Sat there untill 21.30 with a farmer jumping up and down. . . No combine. Made a phone call to the boss, he'd hired a haulage company to move the 480 but they hadn't even loaded it!! Doing it in the morning now insted. Mobile phones. . . The beauty of communication!!

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The weather  >:( (oh well the lads still don't have the combine ready :D :D)

And the new regulations and part time degree that I will have to do eventually in order to get any support from the EU because I already did a 3rd level degree >:(

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Woke up at 730am to go to work, only to find that everything had been done and I was not needed today...Could have got a few extra hours of sleep instead!  >:(::):D :D

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hope you took it easy mate

Yes i did thanks mate, i think this week is brake in week . next week i've got to put on a roof and its 93 ft long. 9 x 2'' rafters. but i've got to take off the old tin and thatch first. >:( >:( also keep the ceilings :'(
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Yes i did thanks mate, i think this week is brake in week . next week i've got to put on a roof and its 93 ft long. 9 x 2'' rafters. but i've got to take off the old tin and thatch first. >:( >:( also keep the ceilings :'(

bet it feels good though mate, especially after that amount of time of

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Our poor combine at work, the TX66 is seriously ill, it was vandalised in the field last night and now has slashed tyres, no glass in the cab and some things missing from it. The local caravan dwellers are the prime suspects >:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(

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Our poor combine at work, the TX66 is seriously ill, it was vandalised in the field last night and now has slashed tyres, no glass in the cab and some things missing from it. The local caravan dwellers are the prime suspects >:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(

drive the tele handlers round there tonight and remove a few bits of their homes i recon mate,  what did the piggys have to say about it then?

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drive the tele handlers round there tonight and remove a few bits of their homes i recon mate,  what did the piggys have to say about it then?

I don't know Sean, not actually seen it myself or spoken to the boss about it yet other than him asking me to ride around the field behind the pikey's hovell to see if any cars had hemp or straw hanging off them. Think forensics came out though :-\

Someone had also cut the strings through on the bottom layer of bales in 3 stacks on another farm so they fell out of my carrier on the road as the grippers couldn't hold them longer than 20 minutes >:(

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I don't know Sean, not actually seen it myself or spoken to the boss about it yet other than him asking me to ride around the field behind the pikey's hovell to see if any cars had hemp or straw hanging off them. Think forensics came out though :-\

Someone had also cut the strings through on the bottom layer of bales in 3 stacks on another farm so they fell out of my carrier on the road as the grippers couldn't hold them longer than 20 minutes >:(

wont be cheap to sort will it eh, whats it coming to that you have to take the combine back to the yard to keep it safe eh, long gone are the days of keys in the iggy and parked in the corner of the filed

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wont be cheap to sort will it eh, whats it coming to that you have to take the combine back to the yard to keep it safe eh, long gone are the days of keys in the iggy and parked in the corner of the filed

I know, boss had even left it in the middle of the field as well, wasn't as if it was near the road :-\ Will try to find out some details from them tomorrow as to exactly what they done

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I know, boss had even left it in the middle of the field as well, wasn't as if it was near the road :-\ Will try to find out some details from them tomorrow as to exactly what they done

some body had gone with a pen? and stabbed about 25 bales about two weeks ago , we told them that it was private property and thats how they repaid us  >:( belive me if i had seen them again they would have seen my fist as we had to take apart the stack to get at the ones they had done

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Two cans of diesel stolen from our yard... local caravan dwellers also ths suspects here >:(

Our poor combine at work, the TX66 is seriously ill, it was vandalised in the field last night and now has slashed tyres, no glass in the cab and some things missing from it. The local caravan dwellers are the prime suspects >:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(

Traci's Dad has had all his machinery replaced from the previous theft, a new garage door (?1500), alarm system and was just in the process of putting up cctv when. .. .. ..

The day after they realised the cameras wern't working they had a visit - during daylight when everyone was out - taking all the new replacements, stone saw, 5 chainsaws, strimmers and long reach hedgetrimmers.

Guess who all the facts point too?  >:(

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Our poor combine at work, the TX66 is seriously ill, it was vandalised in the field last night and now has slashed tyres, no glass in the cab and some things missing from it. The local caravan dwellers are the prime suspects >:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(

Oh dear - just shows what the world has come too and people have no respect - guess your boss was well P!ssed off about it Gavin and who would blame him :'( - you'll be bringing her home every night now in future

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Our poor combine at work, the TX66 is seriously ill, it was vandalised in the field last night and now has slashed tyres, no glass in the cab and some things missing from it. The local caravan dwellers are the prime suspects >:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(

gavin mate. see if i was your boss, i would get the merlo and buckrake and lift their home and dump  it in a lake!!

unlucky mate

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