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What really annoyed you today

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I promised never to move again after moving into our now home on a Friday 13th. 

I wasn't superstitious until then.

Moving house is one of the three most stressful things anyone can do.  Can't remember what the others are

Undergoing a major surgery Watching Liverpool & Histon


Being laid off

Buying a house

Heavy debts

Taking care of someone who is critically ill

Having a baby

Changing a job

Relocating to a new country

Living with your in-laws

just from google so do vary :-\

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Have you had a baby Ben??  ???:D :D :D

Anyway, my gripe for today........ God only knows why, as the bin was less than 20 feet away.....  >:( >:(>:( >:(

Mrs P asked, "I wonder what their house will be like?" My reply; "Probably nice, but the garden will be a mess due to all the rubbish they throw out of the windows"  ::)


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unloading a trailer load of bales with the telehandler on the side of the private road and as i started to reverse back a woman in a white cilo shot behind me ,she almost took the side off her car as she passed the back within about 4 inches ,lucky i had the new manitou not our old matbro (as the brakes wernt brilliant on the matbro) otherwise her child in the passenger seat would have been seriously hurt and then she stopped and jumped out and started shouting at me to look where im going and some other words  ::) and i told her that any normal person would have stoped just along side me and waited  until i would have moved or called them through, its idiots like you that kill other people  >:( not consentrating and doing stupid things like that , she turned around and said that she will be phoning the police and i told her that i am willing to tell the police exactly what you did and i will be sure to tell them that your always on the mobile while driving ,and if you try and be c0cky i can stop you useing this road as you do not have a right of way as you do not live here its you friends house! ,she turned around shouting loads of crap and jumped in and wheel spinned off by this time i couldnt stop shaking as it frightened me alot  :-[

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Coming out of Argos to find a car with a baby strapped into a kiddy seat in the forn - screaming it's heart out plus a three or four year old lad in the back. Doors locked, windows up.. .. nobody else in sight.

I reported it to the police and just as the operator was sending a panda car round, mumsy turned up. Traci gave her a doggy look and the operator said to trust her, she will have her pulled over and cautioned as soon as possible.

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unloading a trailer load of bales with the telehandler on the side of the private road and as i started to reverse back a woman in a white cilo shot behind me ,she almost took the side off her car as she passed the back within about 4 inches ,lucky i had the new manitou not our old matbro (as the brakes wernt brilliant on the matbro) otherwise her child in the passenger seat would have been seriously hurt and then she stopped and jumped out and started shouting at me to look where im going and some other words  ::) and i told her that any normal person would have stoped just along side me and waited  until i would have moved or called them through, its idiots like you that kill other people  >:( not consentrating and doing stupid things like that , she turned around and said that she will be phoning the police and i told her that i am willing to tell the police exactly what you did and i will be sure to tell them that your always on the mobile while driving ,and if you try and be c0cky i can stop you useing this road as you do not have a right of way as you do not live here its you friends house! ,she turned around shouting loads of crap and jumped in and wheel spinned off by this time i couldnt stop shaking as it frightened me alot  :-[


Seriously though, you would think she would take more care driving with a little un in the car.

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Seriously though, you would think she would take more care driving with a little un in the car.

They don't and usually have a "Baby on Board" sign in the back (Moron behind the wheel).  I have seen some horrendous driving performed by mothers with children aboard.  Like propping a mobile against the ear by one shoulder, using that arm to drive the car while eating a sandwich with the other.  4x4 with 5 kids inside and driving past a primary school with kids crossing at the time.

That was AFTER the hands-free only mobile regulations.  Pity I did not get her number but I was climbing the verge to avoid her as I was walking my dogs.  Pedestrians have right of way on a road with no pavement but try telling  drivers that!

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unloading a trailer load of bales with the telehandler on the side of the private road and as i started to reverse back a woman in a white cilo shot behind me ,she almost took the side off her car as she passed the back within about 4 inches ,lucky i had the new manitou not our old matbro (as the brakes wernt brilliant on the matbro) otherwise her child in the passenger seat would have been seriously hurt and then she stopped and jumped out and started shouting at me to look where im going and some other words  ::) and i told her that any normal person would have stoped just along side me and waited  until i would have moved or called them through, its idiots like you that kill other people  >:( not consentrating and doing stupid things like that , she turned around and said that she will be phoning the police and i told her that i am willing to tell the police exactly what you did and i will be sure to tell them that your always on the mobile while driving ,and if you try and be c0cky i can stop you useing this road as you do not have a right of way as you do not live here its you friends house! ,she turned around shouting loads of crap and jumped in and wheel spinned off by this time i couldnt stop shaking as it frightened me alot  :-[

dont worry cant imagine her going to the police bout it, theres people that all they think about is how they can make other people worry and give them a hard time. owl ***** :D so was your uncles on your side or how did they react to it???

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