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What really annoyed you today

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mmm seems we are connceted simon, my braod bands gone very slow, spent 40 mins on the phone explaing to some indian woman whats going on, to be passed to some indian guy who asked the same q's ,then told me to move my whole pc router ect downstair to see if that made a difference??? yeah right, wouldnt belive i work for the same company i can tell you, so tommorrow its test time for my line again, and a rewire of the house with new data cables to see if that makes a difference

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mmm seems we are connceted simon, my braod bands gone very slow, spent 40 mins on the phone explaing to some indian woman whats going on, to be passed to some indian guy who asked the same q's ,then told me to move my whole pc router ect downstair to see if that made a difference??? yeah right, wouldnt belive i work for the same company i can tell you, so tommorrow its test time for my line again, and a rewire of the house with new data cables to see if that makes a difference

so annonying being of line for a week or so but i guess i lived without a computer before  :o :o :o

all these call centres pi@@ me off had a go at a vodaphone when back along from somewhere or another then got a letter telling me to watch my furture conduct on the phone or i'd be done for racail desscramtion  >:( >:(>:(

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so annonying being of line for a week or so but i guess i lived without a computer before  :o :o :o

all these call centres pi@@ me off had a go at a vodaphone when back along from somewhere or another then got a letter telling me to watch my furture conduct on the phone or i'd be done for racail desscramtion  >:( >:(>:(

you can get done for that now, our lot have been trained in how to deal with that sort of thing now

wouldnt be so bad if the understood what i was talkign about, not as if i dont actually know how braod band works is it

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you can get done for that now, our lot have been trained in how to deal with that sort of thing now

wouldnt be so bad if the understood what i was talkign about, not as if i dont actually know how braod band works is it

Seems you can't take the pee outta anyone anymore welsh /irish/scots/germans/french i don't know what its coming to i really don't :( :( :( :( :D :D :D
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Quite simply, the weather. Cold and heavy rain today while Tracis dad, sister and me have been cutting out Xmas tree's. Got absoloutley soaked through. So much so I'm drivin home wearin Tracis tracky trousers and hoody!! Same again tomorrow as well I think. Ieal for a chest infection!!

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Quite simply, the weather. Cold and heavy rain today while Tracis dad, sister and me have been cutting out Xmas tree's. Got absoloutley soaked through. So much so I'm drivin home wearin Tracis tracky trousers and hoody!! Same again tomorrow as well I think. Ieal for a chest infection!!

best you get a good set of waterproofs mate  :D :D

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my english teacher!!! >:( >:( i hate her!!! >:( >:(;D

Well for the record... we all hate her as well now... so you just go into class tomorrow and tell her... she's got 1200 members of FTF after her... tell her... "You just watch your back in the playground missy"  >:(

And tell her... "English... Schminglish... we are all going to talk French if she doesn't buck her ideas up... and she'll be out of a job"

Little pom de tere  >:(

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Well for the record... we all hate her as well now... so you just go into class tomorrow and tell her... she's got 1200 members of FTF after her... tell her... "You just watch your back in the playground missy"  >:(

And tell her... "English... Schminglish... we are all going to talk French if she doesn't buck her ideas up... and she'll be out of a job"

Little pom de tere  >:(

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D i will  ;D ;D :D :D :D;) ;) ;):D;D
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Can honestly say I have never bought anything from ikea and when no 2 son said "if you buy an ikea bed you have to buy ikea sheets, pillows etc because they are not standard sizes" it confirmed my decision.

only been once to the one in bristiol, lasted 5 mins in there and walked out, no sence of direction in the shop, screaming yuppie kids running round and into you, and parents with no care in the world, got asked to hurry up when looking at the only item i did get to see, by some spotty nerdy student, so they could look, she was told something untypeable on here and i left her to it, she came out 15 mins alter had enough her self by then

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