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Remind me to ask your advise Simon when I buy fittings for my new house  ::)

How'd i know i'd get collared for that job  :D :D :D :D

only been once to the one in bristiol, lasted 5 mins in there and walked out, no sence of direction in the shop, screaming yuppie kids running round and into you, and parents with no care in the world, got asked to hurry up when looking at the only item i did get to see, by some spotty nerdy student, so they could look, she was told something untypeable on here and i left her to it, she came out 15 mins alter had enough her self by then

no instructions parts don't fit together connector blocks are useless  :'( :'( :'(
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i have 2 science exams tomorrow, physics and biology, each of them are 12% towards my full GCSE!!!! PANICK :o so unfortunately i wont be on ftf tonight cause i have to get the owl books out

but the goods news is, once i get these exams over i can get back into the farm and some coversions!!! 8)

There easy  ;)

Dont worry, If you get stuck just fill the dots in, in a pattern of your choice  :D :D :D :D

Good Luck Matty  :) :)

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