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What really annoyed you today

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still no luck on the job front >:( >:(>:( :'(

I've been been in the same position since August Ben.  All you can do is keep looking and keep applying for anything that takes your fancy.  Something will come along eventually.  Just getting an interview is a great help.

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I've been been in the same position since August Ben.  All you can do is keep looking and keep applying for anything that takes your fancy.  Something will come along eventually.  Just getting an interview is a great help.

cheers, i know what you mean, wrong time of year though speaking to the agencies >:( >:(

anyway if i cant find anything i guess its London work :-\ or change of career...except i cant afford that >:( >:(

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Already after Mark - will give them two more days and that is it - a litany of abuse will be directed to them - its cost my dad too when you think of it as I'm on his insurance  >:(

Guess what still no sign so I rang them again today and gave them a right giving out then she told me it was posted today - I told her I was told that before she didn't like it and got ratty with me  ;D

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that happened where i worked before, we were loading loads of scrap metal with the merlo and those stupid forks that fall off so easily anyway this was our last load of scrap to go into the skip (which was piled up high!) and there was an old bath tub, so we put the tub between the forks and it held up because off the lips on the tub, so we filled the tub with smaller scrap and someone (wasnt me) but they put a 5ft iron bar on top of the tub, so the boss was setting the tub on top of the skip and his son says to me ''wait till u see this going through the window!'' guess what happens next.... the tub was tilted backwards and the iron bar slid out of it and went right through the merlo windscreen and pearced the dashboard, the boss didnt realise how lucky he was that day!! so i got the fun job off cleaning up all the glass!! >:( and there was quite a lot of f' words then, one of those things i look back at and laugh!! :D plus the merlo was borrowed off a friend, just our luck!!

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ack dont you worry, quite a lot i think the same when it comes to these things but the solution is get another one, get into her best mate or sister, then she'll be p****ed off ;) just get a new one, keep yourself busy ;)

Doesnt work like that her sisters 11 and ive already had her best mate. PLus i did it to her a while ago so i suppose what comes aroungd goes around were just gonna forget about it.

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Widows Vista, or to be precise downloading drivers off various OEM sites for printers, modem etc so I can use them with the new laptop :-\

thats a pain in the ass. >:( >:(

what RAM do you have, more than 512k i hope???

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250Gb hard drive with 2Gb RAM so loads of space on there

It is a pain - most peripherals need a new driver for Vista and most of them are lacking features I used under XP.  Most frustrating is when there is no Vista driver because the manufacturer considers it too old and then tell you to buy a NEW one!

I spent a day+ downloading drivers and then Vista fell over, had to reinstall and then had to do the job all over again!

Have Fun

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It is a pain - most peripherals need a new driver for Vista and most of them are lacking features I used under XP.  Most frustrating is when there is no Vista driver because the manufacturer considers it too old and then tell you to buy a NEW one!

I spent a day+ downloading drivers and then Vista fell over, had to reinstall and then had to do the job all over again!

Have Fun

Now waiting for new drivers as my current modem/broadband still won't install even with the new drivers >:(

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