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Orange Broadband!!!!

Lost my connection for over an hour, it'd been going on and off for the past two weeks due to upgrading the package but this time it didn't come back so I rang them......"press one for this, 2 for that etc" then the same again....after 3 lots of this I got through to a gentleman of oriental descent with a very quiet phoneline so I could hardly hear him, let alone understand him due to his excellent english ::) At least it got sorted within 15 mins, now all I need is my livebox........... >:(

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Girls again !!!!

I was talking to my ex because were still friends she finds out ive been involved with another girl and she texts me saying she never wants to lose me and all that stuff then today practically denies it.

Girls like that aren't worth the effort mate, I had one do it to me as well, she didn't want us to be together anymore yet she could handle me being with anyone else. Never try to work a womans mind out as you'll go insane trying ::) ::)

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Girls again !!!!

I was talking to my ex because were still friends she finds out ive been involved with another girl and she texts me saying she never wants to lose me and all that stuff then today practically denies it.

sounds like there was drink involved there young fella and I agree in general , with respect to our fairer sex , I think men are less complicated  and this whole men are from mars women are from venus  is fairly true.....

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some ********* nearly taking my car out in the tesco carpark, shot into the space as i was walking back, at one hell of a speed, and slipped, missed us by 6" tops, couldnt understand why i was anoyed as he got out, he was so close i couldnt get in, old fella of 60ish, did move in the end after a bit of swearing at him

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No chance of that happening - green and yellow turns my blood blue and gives me the shakes he drove a 6420S and was off her in 5 minutes he didn't like her at all - told him to buy a new TM 120 as the last of the old stock so should be bought right ;)

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My friend who has two Fiat 110-90's telling me he is thinking of buying a MF with loader - you can imagine my reaction :D :D

tell him that he is already driving the MOST RELIABLE tractor around! Everything other than Fiat is TROUBLE ha ha!  :D  :D

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not being able to drink last night!.....so sensible me i didn't have one mouthful, even champagne!

to be honest i dont mind :)

same here Ben, sometimes as much fun to watch the antics.After I finally bothered to get a license erm.........sorry Kev !!! I didnt drive on the  main road that often ! in tractors tho.

That was 2001 and after that I became the designated driver for a spell .........I don`t drink and drive  and they could always rely on me to keep an eye on  them, see they got home ok  or if there was a fight etc etc.......... you know the score........ mates liked it , I had a lot of laughs too and you learn  more about some  people  seeing them drunk when you`re sober.The killer for me tho was the lack of sleep, I`d drop the last one off at 5 am get home get changed and out to work, put in a full day then perhaps off again at night..................coffee ,STRONG coffee at that and power nappin kept me goin.I hadnt heard of pro plus back then

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my pc crashed at 10 this morn, currently on my mobile via the wifi, awating my mates arrival, good job hes at work today so sober eh

fixed it,. some prob with the date/clock settings didnt do something last night, and took it out???? dam windows microsoft stuff

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