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What really annoyed you today

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bit more than annoyed here really

the new dell pc i bought just before xmas the sodding hard drive wipped out so all the stuff we had on it including the pics of the new born baby and the kids xmas are lost

i know its my fault too for not backing stuff up but you dont expect a new pc to crash and burn

it was that bloody windows vista the repair shop said hope to have it back mon or tues with xp on it

fair play to dell though they over nighted a new hard drive to us

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bit more than annoyed here really

the new dell pc i bought just before xmas the sodding hard drive wipped out so all the stuff we had on it including the pics of the new born baby and the kids xmas are lost

i know its my fault too for not backing stuff up but you dont expect a new pc to crash and burn

it was that bloody windows vista the repair shop said hope to have it back mon or tues with xp on it

fair play to dell though they over nighted a new hard drive to us

i heard that vista were crap aswell  :o :o

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Vista annoys me because for my nannas 80th my dad and uncle got her a computer so oldies and technology. Well my uncle the computer wizard lives in london so he cant help her with it so its me that has to help her not that i mind but im learning to because im soo used to xp

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I turned up on Thursday to start my temp job.  There was another guy starting and working on the same basis as me. 

Got immediately told they were in a mess and behind, accounting year end is coming up and need to sort things out.  Role would be on-going.  So I worked my what-its off Thursday and Friday, sorted out a huge amount of errors and started to get things straight. 

Then this morning at 8 am I got a text message from the accountant to say no need to come in again, they?ve had a review of the situation over the weekend and there isn?t enough work to keep me busy and they have little budget left.

You can imagine what I said and I?m still fuming?????????unprofessional or what  >:( >:(


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yeah thats not on PDH!! >:( >:(>:(, have you complained to anyone, was it through an agency?

and they didnt even have the decency to ring >:(

Its through an Agency...the agency rang me at 11.00am with the same message.  I'm complaining, Victor Meldrew has nothing on me today........

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for me ,getting ripped apart first thing by two very jelous guys at work over my weeks job shadowing last week in the repayments office, both hacked of and took it out on me, good job i was in a good mood as i just walked out, even better saw my boss just after and after a 2 min talk, hes ok'd me to do more in there covering them when they are off, no questions asked no problems put in front of me, so guess whos gonna let rip tommorrow if they start again

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Pulling a muslce in the back of my leg pulling myself up into a loft this morning so i've had to come home and have a cry  :'( :'( :'( :'( :D :D :D :D skittles tonight so i thought i'd best rest it  :D :D

Poor baby... anyway not talking to you re: the above >:( >:(>:(

:D :D

PS... D'you want me to rub it better for you :-*:-*

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