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What really annoyed you today

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How long was it untill you dropped one?  ::);D:P

Well... I dropped it very quickly and then loads of customers came in so I couldn't pick it up again and then I had to leave work late... so I'm tired, cross and haven't spoken to Simon all day (although he did wave when he drove passed me earlier ::) ... there I've think that about covers all my crossness for the day >:( >:(>:(

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Well you may have Marky... but I never do things like that... I'm a lady :-*:-*

Ah... I see... the old "silent but violent" hey ...  ;)

* Marky nods... winks and touches his nose * (which I might add it perfectly formed... and just the right size)... and not bleeding like Tris's  ;D

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come down with a stinging cold today, just what i need, ment to be out for a meal tommorrow ,for todays treat which she doesnt know about,due to her netball tonight but feel like a bag of **** right now

Poor Sean... does yourself with a load of Lemsip Direct (I took so I could enjoy New Year when I was full of cold - worked a treat).

What annoyed me...  ::)

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for me sainsbury's carrier bags, cheap and 4 split went I was putting the shopping in them at the tills >:( >:( so I told the girl on the till asda's bags are better ;D

Tescos are sometimes similar!....its the material! >:( >:(

just get some bags from M&S and re-use them ;) ;)

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for me sainsbury's carrier bags, cheap and 4 split went I was putting the shopping in them at the tills >:( >:( so I told the girl on the till asda's bags are better ;D

Lets just say the Claas Liners are good but the price isn't anymore >:(

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