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its like the heath and saftey act 1974

its there to help save live cut corners and your life could be at risk

police do a good job putting up with us legless on a night out

the fines are to make you remember to do as your told

and it state in the higway code book about fog lights

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Same old story.

Citizen view vs Police view.

I think there are too many silly laws.

I mean £30 for having your foglights on?  :D :D :D :D :D What is the police force coming to!

Very Dangerous if your coming the other way though.

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Same old story.

Citizen view vs Police view.

I think there are too many silly laws.

I mean £30 for having your foglights on?  :D :D :D :D :D What is the police force coming to!

That's one of the few laws that actually makes sense, those foglights are really annoying. And also dangerous as Powerstar also mentioned!

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Could that be a numpty. I mentioned it  :D

indeed, numpty will come!!

but i agree with the foglights, why do you need them on when its not foggy??, its a pain as it dazzles you, especially in the wet >:( >:(

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Enough of the Police bashing there only following orders from above  ;) ;)

As for this fog light jobby just do away with them completely i used to drive in excess of 100,000 miles a year for 6 years and never used a fog light once and i'm still here  ::) ::)

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Thank you all, Mike in particular. I have no issue with the police, I can list 4 as very close family friends so please don't imagine I am one of this country's peasant underclass who mutters 'pig' every time I see one, nor that I am Police bashing.

Nor do I have any issue with the police doing their job, when I got nabbed, fair and square, on the way to Spalding, I had a very pleasant chat with a traffic copper, who was just a really nice guy, about his bike, took the ticket [and points & fine  ::)] in the spirit in which it was intended. I pushed my luck, he slapped my wrist, we shook hands and that was that  ::);)  :).

This was different in that it was what you'd call 'sh*t bad luck', I had jumped back into the car to drive a quarter of a mile and neglected to put my seatbelt on. I'm a country boy, believe me, I've had enough car accidents to be fully aware of the benefit of wearing a seatbelt  ;):D :D

So, in the most simple of terms, I was less annoyed at the police, more at getting caught!!

Although, that being said, these two were just not nice blokes, in the same way that some shop assistants are rude, these were just the same, had nothing to do with their career, just their abrasive personalities! They may as well have been traffic wardens, hotel porters or school caretakers, they were just gits!!

A little pragmatism in some of the law enforcement officers would go a long way to getting average Joe in the street really fighting their corner. I agree that the police need our support, much of the time they're the only people we can turn to for help. I remember getting pulled by a copper with a speed gun once on the way to work, conversation went like this, word for word...

Morning Sir


Having a good day?

Well, not great actually..

Really, it's only quarter past 8...?! [Mock surprise]

Yes, and it looks like it's getting worse...

Do you know why I've pulled you over?

I have a fair idea....

Can you read this for me? [Turns speed gun so I can see the display]

No, actually, sorry, the sun's on it....

Oh, well, it says 88 miles per hour, you are aware that's well in excess of the speed limit for this road?

Yes, I know, I'm sorry.

Is this going to happen again sir?

Er, not for a while that's for sure....

Well, in that case, off you go, hope your day gets better. Be careful as you pull away into the traffic. Oh, and watch out, there could be Mr Bast*rd copper hiding round the corner...

Um, thanks, you have a good day too...!

Now, that's policing..... I didn't break the speed limit for months after that, and even then it was only minor... That guy did an awful lot for my respect for the police. And then several years later I met a new local bobbie for Tenbury who it turned out was the son of the family solicitor. He was such a nice guy that any breaking of the law felt like a personal attack on him so all of a sudden I became very law abiding ! Quite nice having a police car pull up your drive just to stop for a cup of tea  :D :D

So, police in general .... GOOD ..... Police with small man syndrome ..... BAD !!! [same as any other profession - difference with other professions is they can't fine you  ;)]

I'm with you on the foglights Simon, I have never found them to be any use in the fog anyway.... we call them kerb finders, and as with finding a kerb by touch, you can only spot it when you're on it, so mine never get switched on. Now, the massive driving lamps on the front of the Disco, they're brilliant!!

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My father just told me that i can't remove my model farm in to the big attic!!! :'( :'( :'(

This is where i am now, really small if you have to sitt al the time to change things...But i can't replace it :'(

Be VERY nice to him, offer to clean up both attics, the garden, his car or something and hint that you are a growing lad who will need a lot more head room and it will be harder to move it all if left too long.

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I had a bike nicked in 2000 and I was really disillusioned that the local police did nothing to chase it up, and I know who stole it too, but not his name.  But in the great scheme of things a stolen bike isn't as important as other crimes that are being tackled...And besides it looked as though they got the culprit for something in the end, as I saw him a few years ago working with a NACRO gang.

Around Shrewsbury (and other Shropshire towns) most of road users bile is being directed at the private concern that have replaced the traffic wardens; they are too officious for words, even the people in the council guildhall have admitted as much!  The road where I live was always notoriously difficult to park in, so more often than not cars had to go on the double yellows at the end of the street - which they had done for years and no one had ever been done for it.  Not so when the new regime started: their office is around the corner and they would walk down our street on their way about their business and therefore book any car on the yellows.  I know its the law, but it seemed a bit mean as they were local residents, not people avoiding car park charges.  Once when my ex was stopping over she too was given a ticket for parking in the same spot, which I felt obliged to pay - the lines have now been removed, so I am thinking can I claim back my £30?

My neighbour is a scrap metal dealer with a small warehouse on the street, and one particular warden was continually slapping tickets on his lorry which he had outside the warehouse (not causing any obstruction) as he loaded it - he eventually told her she was welcome to wallpaper his windscreen if she liked as he could afford the tickets! (I don't think I'd have said that though!) He's now got a permit to park the lorry on the car park nearby.

I don't know why I get so annoyed by these traffic wardens, I can't even drive!

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A LANDINI DEALER BOX GETTING £13.57 ON EBAY >:( >:(>:( >:( when i have been getting £45.00 >:( >:(>:( >:(>:(

i was watchin that one on ebay, i too though it would have went for more! sometimes its hard to know!

Did you get a chance to post mine yet?



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i was watchin that one on ebay, i too though it would have went for more! sometimes its hard to know!

Did you get a chance to post mine yet?



sorry mate, my pm inbox was full so didnt get your pm till a min ago, yes yours was posted sorry for the delay, thanks  ;):) :) :) :)

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Same old story.

Citizen view vs Police view.

I think there are too many silly laws.

I mean £30 for having your foglights on?  :D :D :D :D :D What is the police force coming to!

Couldn't agree more Luke. It would be far swifter if the police went round smashing them out with golf clubs. If there is one thing that annoys me, it's foglights when it isn't foggy  >:(

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Couldn't agree more Luke. It would be far swifter if the police went round smashing them out with golf clubs. If there is one thing that annoys me, it's foglights when it isn't foggy  >:(

I've been tempted to get a catapult and learn how to use it.  One-handed, quick release trigger type as I am fed up with being totally dazzled on a wet night by morons who think they are a statement of "cool" and wire them directly into the headlamp switch.

NB "Cool" may not be the latest word but it suffices

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Well, where do I start?!

Firstly while on here earlier, at home. I was sat on the swivel chair scooting between my little workbench and the pc when I ran over my big toe. Being sat on the chair at the time it was awkward trying to free my toe with my fat @ss still in the seat!! Although it conjures up a humourous image I now have a black nail :(

Secondly, did my deed and went shopping on my way to Tracis to cook spag bol with her. "I'll chop the onions, love" says me. You know what it's like fellas, a knife is machinery. Onion number one in the pan and number two being chopped.



Deere-est dancing round the living room on my one good foot! Now, I get a little queezy at the best of times but blood and fingers don't bode well for me. Traci got me back over the sink to get my now severed left index finger under the tap. I was shaking like a leaf and whiter than her Mums best china. She ran up to the house to get the first aid box and came back with her Mum and Dad who know what I'm like!! Credit to her Dad, trained first aider being a tree surgeon. Patched me up and stopped me fainting.

Got out of doing the dinner though :D;)

At a price :-(

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I've been tempted to get a catapult and learn how to use it.  One-handed, quick release trigger type as I am fed up with being totally dazzled on a wet night by morons who think they are a statement of "cool" and wire them directly into the headlamp switch.

NB "Cool" may not be the latest word but it suffices

I like to get my own back on them, as you are just about to pass them i filck on the full beam to dazzle them revenge is sweet  :D

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:D :D Tris... you do make me laugh...  :D :D - I can see it now...

and thew headlines in the Melksham Crow... 'Hobbit trapped under chair'... or 'Black Nail threat to local Lorry Driver'

As for you Chris.... my mate had what we believed to be a spitfire landing lamp on the front of his MKII Escort... when you hit that you could see for miles... everything else on the car went out mind you... but it was GREAT fun dazzling those coming the other way who we felt were not paying us total respect....  :D :D

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Tris, will you ever learn. Your feet have been pounded enough lately with heavy objects being dropped and kitchen knives ALWAYS cut a new user.  I rarely buy new knives as they always manage to blood me on first use.  The point is that particular knife will not cut you again because you will be more careful.

Hope it is not too painful and the spag bol tasty

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When trying to cut tip of super glue tube i got it off only to go straght through into my finger hitting the bone :'( :'(  New pen knife nice and light but very sharp :D :D

Then only to find there wasnt any left in it anyway :'( :D

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