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What really annoyed you today

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I annoyed my self. I have let somone down on here and i feel really bad about it. I said a model was boxed and i couldnt find the box anywhere. I have sent the item and said i would look for the box but cant find it. I offered a refund, but understanably he is not happy. Sorry dunno what to do :'( :'( :'(

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I annoyed my self. I have let somone down on here and i feel really bad about it. I said a model was boxed and i couldnt find the box anywhere. I have sent the item and said i would look for the box but cant find it. I offered a refund, but understanably he is not happy. Sorry dunno what to do :'( :'( :'(

Give yourself a hug and say "There there". Not much else you can do. No doubt the chuffin' box will turn up when you aren't looking for it. At least you've done the honourable thing by offering a refund, which is more than most would do. If he wont accept a refund, then maybe he hasn't got such a bad deal after all.

  You just can't please some people, and he sounds like one of them............  :)

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Give yourself a hug and say "There there". Not much else you can do. No doubt the chuffin' box will turn up when you aren't looking for it. At least you've done the honourable thing by offering a refund, which is more than most would do. If he wont accept a refund, then maybe he hasn't got such a bad deal after all.

   You just can't please some people, and he sounds like one of them............  :)

Thanks, all sorted now. He is being very good about it thanks Mate :) :)

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no not surprised, i think the few fields that are left to harvest are just waiting now for the good weather......i did go out in the car and saw more....but that was a lot further away! :D

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Following a baler who was following six vehicles behind a tractor and trailer for about 7 miles.  Needless to say there were another 20+ vehicles behind me and we were all cheesed off.  Finally I got past both on a short section of dual carriageway although I had to wait while the baler overtook the tractor first. 

There was a HUGE layby that both of them could have pulled into after about 3 miles but neither took the option. 

Gives tractor drivers a bad name.

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Following a baler who was following six vehicles behind a tractor and trailer for about 7 miles.  Needless to say there were another 20+ vehicles behind me and we were all cheesed off.  Finally I got past both on a short section of dual carriageway although I had to wait while the baler overtook the tractor first. 

There was a HUGE layby that both of them could have pulled into after about 3 miles but neither took the option. 

Gives tractor drivers a bad name.

I can understand what you mean as no-one likes to get caught up doing only 25mph but I think that many driver's may think, "I'm doing a job why should I pull in and then have to wait for all the cars behind to pass"........If they were going to pull in, say once 10 cars had built up behind them, at a busy time of day they could be pulling in all the time and not getting the job done........

I, as a tractor driver don't mind indicating and letting people know if it is a long safe stretch to over-take but I wouldn't be pulling in all the time to let everyone pass........ :-\

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I always pull in where I can or like Mart says indicate left and ease off to allow people to pass. I will not use junctions, driveways, bus stops or otherwise though. Layby only for me. However, in a 50k tractor (30mph) you are not required to pull over I am sure. The worst offenders of all are those that just sit behind you effictively making one slow vehicle longer for everyone else to pass.

For me today, grief from her indoors.

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I always pull in where I can or like Mart says indicate left and ease off to allow people to pass. I will not use junctions, driveways, bus stops or otherwise though. Layby only for me. However, in a 50k tractor (30mph) you are not required to pull over I am sure. The worst offenders of all are those that just sit behind you effictively making one slow vehicle longer for everyone else to pass.

i think your supose to pull over if there is 25 or more cars/lorries behind you on A/B roads

For me today, grief from her indoors.

join the club there mate its like mastermind in my house at the mo 20 question on everything >:(

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Following a baler who was following six vehicles behind a tractor and trailer for about 7 miles.  Needless to say there were another 20+ vehicles behind me and we were all cheesed off.  Finally I got past both on a short section of dual carriageway although I had to wait while the baler overtook the tractor first. 

There was a HUGE layby that both of them could have pulled into after about 3 miles but neither took the option. 

Gives tractor drivers a bad name.

i got to be honest i used to pull in and let them pass after about 9-10 cars ,but abot a week ago i pulled in one layby and it took 10 mins before there was enough of a gap to pull out (no bull thats the truth ! ) it was on a 40mph stretch and that drove me up the wall ! so now im very weary about were i pull in !

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I think it is 10 cars not sure if it matters about the speed rating of the tractor because there is a farm in our area that runs fendt 820's and any more than 9 cars and they pull over. There is no law that affects trailers and caravans but it is considered polite to pull over if you have a rather large queue behind. Recently when pulling the livestock float I was going up a hill and had 1 car behind me but as I would be down to less than 20 mph I pulled in to let them past.

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Our other spreading team have fallen foul of the pikeys. Smashed the JCB tank cap off and drained the tank. Drained one of the Deeres. Smashed the door and lock off the bowser and cut the hose and trigger off and dragged the bowser across the field with a wheel clamp and towing eye lock on it. They didn't get much diesel out though.

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Our other spreading team have fallen foul of the pikeys. Smashed the JCB tank cap off and drained the tank. Drained one of the Deeres. Smashed the door and lock off the bowser and cut the hose and trigger off and dragged the bowser across the field with a wheel clamp and towing eye lock on it. They didn't get much diesel out though.

Seems problems with pikeys are getting more and more common. Its about time something was done.

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