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What really annoyed you today

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well Simon when i bought my car exdemo 12 weeks old 364 mile on the clock. After some months found a funny  cloudy patch in the paint on the arch  and it  looked slightly different from the other side. found out its been in a bump, went in to be resprayed. i only thought they would spray the arch back in , but they sprayed the whole side. Then 3 weeks ago water got under the paint. went back in for the 3rd spray job.

car haveing its 4th respray  >:( >:(>:( >:(>:( have spoken to tradeing standards

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Was so annoyed last night... we thought we would go and do something nice together as we haven't spent too much time together recently due to work, uni etc, so we decided to go to the cinema.

got there and the only film we could see was the wrestler so as we thought it was a comedy we just went in.

10 minutes in and we could've walked out as it was the biggest heap of crap ever!!!  it wasn't in the slightest bit funny, was really violent and bloody and was really depressing!

so to say we were annoyed was an understatement as for our whole evening it cost us about 70 quid...money would've been better spent just going to a restaurant for a nice meal or something but thought we'd do something different as we never go to the cinema anymore.  ::)

Oh well, won't be doing that again in a hurry and just to warn everyone... don't go to see the wrestler.

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car haveing its 4th respray  >:( >:(>:( >:(>:( have spoken to tradeing standards

Sell up and buy one of these a Focus ST, you'll pick up one cheap as chips at the moment!! Get it remapped, mines up to 290 brake at the mo and then you'll have one hell of car, for a Ford at least!! Oh and the 5 cyl engine makes rather a sweet sound too ;) ;)

The most annoying part, it guzzles petrol like no tomorrow, worth it though :D :D :D


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well done Si... I bet you look lke a raisin now then... with all your clothes hanging off you.. trousers on the floor  :D :D :D

No yet but you never know but to be honset i feel heathier and getting up earlier as well i was still working in my shed at 7.30 on friday night which is unheard of got 5-6 phone calls asking where i was so went to the pub about 8.30 and got home at 1.30 and drunk 3 soda and lime all night   :'( :'( :D :D :D

Hang in there, Simon - think of all the good you are doing.  

Mnay thanks Sue i reckon i'm gonna do it  ;D ;D ;D
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My wife had a Grand Mal sizure  4 hours ago, after she was rushed to the hospital and a cat scan taken it appears so far no brain damage......god what a sight to see someone foaming and bleeding and feeling so helpless.....deaf and unable to call for help...ugh...she is home now sleeping but im too wound up tight......I stay up all night and sleep in the morning my time...........Never been so scared in my friggin life....

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My wife had a Grand Mal sizure  4 hours ago, after she was rushed to the hospital and a cat scan taken it appears so far no brain damage......god what a sight to see someone foaming and bleeding and feeling so helpless.....deaf and unable to call for help...ugh...she is home now sleeping but im too wound up tight......I stay up all night and sleep in the morning my time...........Never been so scared in my friggin life....

Grand Mal is seriously frightening if you have never seen one.  My aunt sufferred all her life and by the time I was 6 I was quite capable of rolling her into the recovery position and calling for a doctor.  Fortunately there are safer drugs now to keep it under control and a better understanding too, but it is still an unnerviing experience.

I hope there will be no repeats.  Keep Smiling

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