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What really annoyed you today

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bloody power went off at 2 am this morn ,only knew as i was up going to the little boys room when it all went balck, one of our neighbours house alarm went off, and proceeded to keep going fr a good 3 hrs till the ower came back on, arround 5ish, couldnt sleep due to the noise from that and fear i wouldnt hear the mobile alarm i set as i didnt know wht time it would come on, only the 5th power cut so far this year, and weirdly always when we have something on

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Nothing yet today, well except Buster leaving me a pressie on the carpet..........looks like he has scour >:( but plenty yesterday, de-stoner had a shaft go 100m into the first field at 8am, we gave up repairs at 5pm as we were both getting sick of the sight of it, got a chunk out of my thumb thanks to that........hoping today goes better ::) ::)

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the *insert word here* who overtake in 50mph zones when its posted for a reason and the lines are painted that way!.....no sense at all, until they hit an innocent driver then what >:( >:(>:(

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:D :D :D who moi sue ?? :D :D :D :D

for me, the total " insert word" on the way back yesterday on the m5, was in the outside lane and would not pull over ,varying his speed from anything arround 60 when he was overtaking,to 100 odd when there road was clear, but usally arround 80, on his mobile phone for part of it to, i resisted undertaking him for about 10 / 15  miles, despite others doing so,inc a van amonugts others ,gave him a couple of headlight flashes in the end, and gave up,  booted it  on a clear bit of road, and the sod speed up, his focus wasnt a match for the tarmac terroist, but as soon as i got past and away the old sod then proceed to tailgate and flash his lights at me, and at one point tried to undertake me when we were behind a slow car, that once they had done their overtake duely and consideratly moved into the middle lane,as i always do,  some people are so dam ignorant of things at time, if he was following the rules and moving over people wouldnt have to undertake like that, something i very very very rarely do if ever infact, was only crusing along at 85 all the way, ok speeding but road was clear bar that wally,

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I would have been annoyed by that behaviour on the road.  It is those people who are usually the cause of an accident as they are driving without consideration for anyone else.  I only had a "granddad" yesterday who was just driving "cautiously" and did not speed up when it was safe to overtake him but there is an old boy around here who will simply stop if there is a car behind him no matter where he happens to be.  He did it to me one day - drove straight past a lay-by and then stopped.

He must be 90 odd and should never be driving and when I see him again I am taking his registration number and reporting him.

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this one was 60 plus, but he would not pull over, sat in the outside lane for ages, i was direct behind him for 10 odd miles, behind other between us before that, even with a good mile of clear lanes he wouldnt go over, hence why in the end i undertook, and i really hate people who do that, but what else can you do??? never tail gated him, kept a respectable distance of him, yet hes got the nerve to do that to me when i  get past him?? did it for 5 miles then slowed down again, and sat in the outside lane holding others up

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Well I am 60 plus, have been driving for many years and at one time was doing in excess of 25000 miles a year. I always respect lane discipline and I, too,  get frustrated when someone hogs the middle or outside lane when an inner lane is clear.  I have to admit to being tempted to undertake on occasions although I think I have only done it once. 

A little consideration goes a long way and I remember my driving instructor saying about courtesy "Let ONE car join in heavy traffic. He will feel grateful and you will feel good and if everyone in the queue does the same everyone feels happy". 

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AIRPORTS!!!!!!!! and luggage lim its.

All packed up with my return load to Deutschland.... peanut butter, check.... branston pickle, check...... HP Sauce, check.......... Robinsons juice, check......

Sorry sir you are 5kg's over, that will be 75 pounds please!!!!!!!!! WHAT! no way, unpacked in the car park..... and that was only carrying one model....

Also it was one piece of hand luggage so now my gorgeous, dirty, messy, precision, envious forager, trailer and 6930 are still in the UK in a box being safe..... as is Pete's 4055  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

Jez is not a happy boy today..... There was no way i was risking that lot in my bags to go in the hold.... carry on only!

Anyway, rant over....... still not happy though  >:( >:(>:( >:(

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I feel your pain Jez - has happened me several times also when travelling with work >:( >:(

SUCKS big time.... also I need to check with Dave to make sure he has not used anythign to dangerous to check in onto a flight on the forager and tractor..... last thing i want is to get to Germany and find they have removed them as due to any chemicals or toxins.....


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I have spend nearly a half day turning some new crank shaft bearings to a steam locomotive and was allmost finished just before luch time today. Leaving the workshop at 11 am and returned about 12. Some idiot(!!) have take the bearings down from the machine ad have done some private work. And theres no chanse to find the right posistion for the bearings again...Just to melt the bearing metal out and start casting again.... >:( >:(>:(

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That sounds like a hell of a lot of work gone down the toilet to me  :-\ I'm not in with the engineering knowledge but I know how precise you need to get something like this.

Yea, nearly two days, making the mould, casting etc etc.... Steam engines isnt allways that precise Tris, the toleraces are a tenth part of a millimeter and up, and thanks god for that  :D :D :D :D

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Well I am 60 plus, have been driving for many years and at one time was doing in excess of 25000 miles a year. I always respect lane discipline and I, too,  get frustrated when someone hogs the middle or outside lane when an inner lane is clear.  I have to admit to being tempted to undertake on occasions although I think I have only done it once. 

A little consideration goes a long way and I remember my driving instructor saying about courtesy "Let ONE car join in heavy traffic. He will feel grateful and you will feel good and if everyone in the queue does the same everyone feels happy". 

Jez and I were having the same conversation about lane discipline on Sunday... on the continent everyone seems to understand you drive in the outside lane and OVERTAKE ONLY in the others, no matter how many there are... why are british drivers by and large so goddam retarded they find that concept impossible to grasp... ???:o It's not those undertaking who should get done, it's the brain-aches who don't sod off back to the outside IMMEDIATELY after passing something :o::) On the pulling in thing Sue, and Nick will have to confirm this I think, but a friend of mine who lived in NZ said where roadworks etc merge 2 lanes of traffic into one, the kiwis have a sign saying 'Merge Like A Zip'..... seems so simple and obvious yet none of our blue-sky-thinking-highways-bureaucrats have thought to include this one useful sign in the plethora of jumble they insist on placing beside  our roads.... ::)

Annoying for me today is an unfathomable deficit of cash ??? [No, I don't have a clue how that happened either ???::);)] and the niggling feeling that those 2 bloody Truvelos in Geddington will see me in court.... >:(

I think I'm a revolutionary waiting to happen... I'm rapidly losing patience with this frankly SH*TEY country ::)>:(

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