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Look at this little beauty MF Beta 7270 awaiting it's first cut

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not a sngle JD round hre not even one farmers hate them reliabilty issues and dont leave a clean saple all claas and MF here with odd NH they're rare though

not far of the same down herew either to be honest,i know of a few jd contractor rigs,and big class one,but the majority are older mf andf class models,a few 1075 series jds and a couple of nh 8040s to,mainly down to filed size and cost i guess we dont do that much wheat/barley down here so no need for big new combines

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The smallest combine i can think of this area still being used yearly is a MF 7256 cerea covering 1000+ acres if ask me 2 years back would have been a list of dominators and smaller lexions but they all moved down to your area :'( :'( There still is one dominator a 96 but thats only covering 20 acres so i dont think that counts

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Well it was covering 350 acres but that was handed over to local contractor that clears it under two days (480 + 7278) so the 96 is now just left on the small 4 acre fields so hobby farming really

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It's the same near me - I know plenty of lads who have older combines either as back up or still cutting such as Senator 70's, 1530's and 525's. These are starting to be replaced bit by bit as the prices of newer models comes down.

That's not to say though that the parish where James F lives most of the grower's there are running NH 1500 series and mainly 1530's. In fact one farmer has 5/6 and at least 4 are used at the same time.  ;D:o;)

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It's the same near me - I know plenty of lads who have older combines either as back up or still cutting such as Senator 70's, 1530's and 525's. These are starting to be replaced bit by bit as the prices of newer models comes down.

That's not to say though that the parish where James F lives most of the grower's there are running NH 1500 series and mainly 1530's. In fact one farmer has 5/6 and at least 4 are used at the same time.  ;D:o;)

Wouldnt it be cheaper to sell them and buy an early lexion like 410/420 and have one bloke doing more work an hour ???

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depends where your working i guess,i know a guy who has just traded his 3 mf 525supers in for 4 mf 38's,as they are the best small combine for the lanes ect down here,its not all about size like the crop barrons of east anglia we have to contend with small acess roads and small fields in the first place,

thinking about it they should be there now,might have a drive at weekend,see if he's got them out preped

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It probably would but he know's them inside out and has got sheds full of spares and plenty of sons to drive them  ;)

depends where your working i guess,i know a guy who has just traded his 3 mf 525supers in for 4 mf 38's,as they are the best small combine for the lanes ect down here,its not all about size like the crop barrons of east anglia we have to contend with small acess roads and small fields in the first place,

thinking about it they should be there now,might have a drive at weekend,see if he's got them out preped

I agree with this I've seen lads with 10' combines cutting more per day than 16' as they don't have all the hassle of changing heads etc.

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yeah saves time ,especially as a lot of fields down here are interlocked,you sometimes have to go through 4/5 fields to get to the one you want,

this guy does his own and contracts out to other local farmers,big guys just can't get in there or complete,hes usally done before them some years even when he had the 525's

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He'll never get the same reliability with them though  :(

he has always bought fergys,all his tractors are,and a lot of his implements

recons the 38's are the best of the newer small mf combines, he did quite a bit of resaerch before buying them thats for sure ,he is also maticulous with his servicing and cleaning which helps any combine,cleaned every day,oiled/greased the same , which all helps out,

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very rarely see any MF combines around here  i know there are some 525's floating around & a couple of 2? dronemberg types  but other than that it's claas,JD & NH. wasn't so much the combines fault it was the backup recieved from the dealers , & by the time we got some decent dealers the damage was done  same as the tractors , MF were a force to be reconed with in the past , but the dealerships let them down, then milton mills came along with the JD dealership & knocked them all for six , needless to say local dealers have gotten their act together round here in the last 10 years or so

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Very well said mjb.I've had bosses/mates say the same as you over here as well.There was only one MF dealer in this area and the staff there wanted shooting they were just a joke that realy let there tractors down big time.When MF started to "head back on top" that dealer was dropped and the new dealer trys much harder now.

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