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Crikey Mart..must be some fence.  :) I'm afraid nowadays I just cut points on the strainers with the chainsaw and whack 'em in with the knocker  ;D

I've been fencing off an awkward  corner of a grass field and planting beech elm and oak. Warm work today... :)

It's two main fences we're replacing John so he's kept me busy doing all strainer post holes at the weekend so the other lads can whack them in during the week and get the fence up again since I'm the only one that uses the JCB - I'm the allocated driver...... :D;) ;) ;)

Back to school for me today...... :-\ :'( :'( ;)

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Same as Mart back to school but after had to take the Dog to the vets in which the biggest Dog in the world had to walk in and my Dog had to take a certain disliking to it  :-\ :D Then Mum had the killer blow when she reliased she had to buy him some Frontlineflea killer or something, that an annual injection came to ?72.00  :-\

Then went over the fields to see a team of Eastern Eureopeans putting on the polythene sheets to the fields, 4 women and the 2 men were driving the mini bus up and down .... and thats about it really  :-\

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I have spent ALL BL**dy day with my Database programmer making one change to our system for one small customer... How much that will cost goondess only knows  :o :'( :'( :'( :'( >:(

rember marky the customer is always right
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Worked nights last night - couldn't sleep only had three hours! Broke the sky connection moving a sette, raced to homebase for a new one. Working nights again tonight and falling asleep at the computer.............

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I've had one as well Mark.... not nice at all mate are they.... I got really claustrophobic in mine  :o:-[

no not nice mate haveing to spend 40 mins in a tunnel, they give you music but the thing is very noisy. plus you have to stay still. :( :(
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no not nice mate haveing to spend 40 mins in a tunnel, they give you music but the thing is very noisy. plus you have to stay still. :( :(

I went really disy when I came out... felt like a right pillock... but it's quite common evidently... had my head and neck done... was about 1hour I think... did you get the wobbles when you sat up Mark  ???
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I went really disy when I came out... felt like a right pillock... but it's quite common evidently... had my head and neck done... was about 1hour I think... did you get the wobbles when you sat up Mark  ???

no not to bad mate, very nice girl did my scan :P :P
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Lucky bugger... mine was a ******  ::)

couldnt be woosy infront of her could you mark,

luck was on my side marky, did see a ****** and thought knowing my luck. then this older woman came over saw me in to the xray room. i thought better than ****** , then went. in came 25 some thing girl fit as. ;D ;D ;D ;D :P
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