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looking after my son who was out playing last night down in the village not half a mile away

from his house all was fine until a older lad  ( 3 or 4 years older than my lad )

decided to push the back of his head in to a brick wall 3 or 4 times..wrestle him to the ground

where he was then kicked in the ribs and back whilst calling my son "a weekling"

so im going to the "little coward's" mum to tell her about her sons antics

and the head teacher is now getting the police involved as this is the third time in one week

my son is only a little lad for his age (10) and to be beaten up by a older (teenager)kid who should know better than picking on younger smaller kids than him self let allone banging

kids heads into  hard surfaces  >:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(

So I finnished work allot earlyer than normal to take him in to A&E fortunatly he's just got

mild concussion so hes under the watchfull eye of me all day

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looking after my son who was out playing last night down in the village not half a mile away

from his house all was fine until a older lad  ( 3 or 4 years older than my lad )

decided to push the back of his head in to a brick wall 3 or 4 times..wrestle him to the ground

where he was then kicked in the ribs and back whilst calling my son "a weekling"

so im going to the "little coward's" mum to tell her about her sons antics

and the head teacher is now getting the police involved as this is the third time in one week

my son is only a little lad for his age (10) and to be beaten up by a older (teenager)kid who should know better than picking on younger smaller kids than him self let allone banging

kids heads into  hard surfaces  >:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(

So I finnished work allot earlyer than normal to take him in to A&E fortunatly he's just got

mild concussion so hes under the watchfull eye of me all day

I had a very similar experience with Junior two weeks ago Nigel, it makes your blood boil doesn't it!

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Glad F-P Junior is ok Jase, certainly doesn't seem like he would do alot to atagonise anyone. Another case of the big guy verses the little guy. At least the bully and his folks cot their comuppance (spelling?!!). Shame you're not aloud to give the little runts a slap yourself anymore.

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I had a very similar experience with Junior two weeks ago Nigel, it makes your blood boil doesn't it!

Coooo... that's a difficult one to deal with lads....

Not nice at all  >:(

I hope and prey that this doesn't happen to my lad... he soft as the preverbial and very small for his age too.. (11).. Lets hope the parents teach both the offenders a lesson  :-\

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thankfully they are both ok ,if a bit shaken from the experiance

i got picked on a few times at school when i first started secondary school, as i was a tad short, unfortunatlly my old man being a marine at the time decided that i should fight fire with fire, so i proceeded to wallop 3 of them one lunch time resulting in a 2 weeks suspension, :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ nasty sods never did it again though

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i hope both junior's are ok, it just shows kids nowadays have no respect and the parents dont seem to care, we are continuly bothered by kids smashing windows, rolling bales, stealing wheelie bins, trying to burn down outbuildings and lately they have started taking down a stone wall and throwing the stones in the burn, in the field or filling the beast's water trough which stops them getting a drink. we went to the police they are not interessted unless we get proof but we cant take their picture because it breeches their human rights and they could accuse me of being a pedofile, it makes my blood boil >:( >:(. i keep threatning to fill the slurry tanker someday and drive past them and accidently open the back door but no one else will let me.

anyway today i have spent the day taking the beast's in for the winter.

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i hope both junior's are ok, it just shows kids nowadays have no respect and the parents dont seem to care, we are continuly bothered by kids smashing windows, rolling bales, stealing wheelie bins, trying to burn down outbuildings and lately they have started taking down a stone wall and throwing the stones in the burn, in the field or filling the beast's water trough which stops them getting a drink. we went to the police they are not interessted unless we get proof but we cant take their picture because it breeches their human rights and they could accuse me of being a pedofile, it makes my blood boil >:( >:(. i keep threatning to fill the slurry tanker someday and drive past them and accidently open the back door but no one else will let me.

anyway today i have spent the day taking the beast's in for the winter.

You need to be very careful how you deal with this, the law is 100% against you in these cases........  ;)

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