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Got through to Clacket Lane at 11.53 for my break all be it an hour and a half over due and had to park on the exit slip as it was rammed with wagon's and naffed off drivers. Just got back on to come home after two drops in Tunbridge Wells and Paddock Wood.

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Been a worthwhile excercise to be honest, found a few jobs I'd forgotten to invoice.  :-[::)

Freaky... me too  :-[ - Sad thing is... My "non-invoiced" jobs were 2 Christmas Trees to one customer... and a bag of walnuts to another one  :D :D - I bet yours came to more than that Jason... Swap ya  ???
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Got through to Clacket Lane at 11.53 for my break all be it an hour and a half over due and had to park on the exit slip as it was rammed with wagon's and naffed off drivers. Just got back on to come home after two drops in Tunbridge Wells and Paddock Wood.

thats never still those road works that were there in sept is it mate?? the ones we both got caught in  on the way to gatwick

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Got through to Clacket Lane at 11.53 for my break all be it an hour and a half over due and had to park on the exit slip as it was rammed with wagon's and naffed off drivers. Just got back on to come home after two drops in Tunbridge Wells and Paddock Wood.

and you didnt say hi to the ftf boys in kent tris

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Mya be tight(ish) for time Gavvers... can I let you know in the AM tomorrow  ???

Yeah no probs, i know he usually has some old ploughs and it was the yard where i took those pictures i posted on here the other week :);)

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Went to a sprayer day at our suppliers    They had loads of BERTOUD models on display

Only went for the NROSO points  but it was quite interesting to see some of the stuff

Especially the container washer which had a thing that resembled a rocket for collecting the washings    God knows how much it cost but it seemed way over the top to me    but hey we must keep brussels happy with all their new regulations :-\

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