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Just a little bit of lateral thinking, always on the look out for things like that ;)

I'll keep making them until they stop selling, the little 2 stack mold couldn't keep up with demand at the minute so needed to upgrade ;)

yeah sorry about that :D :D :D::)

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I have mate.... a while ago now... I'll take a pic tomorrow for you  ;)

knew you had problems, but marky come on, get out to that shed right away and get some, or i will carry on building thosee discusting blue things for a while :D :D :D :D??

why cant we have a puking smiley on here?

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knew you had problems, but marky come on, get out to that shed right away and get some, or i will carry on building thosee discusting blue things for a while :D :D :D :D??

why cant we have a puking smiley on here?

Tomorrow mate.... promise... she's alseep now after her run  :D :D

Fanny looks as new there marky you sure are taking care of her.

Oh I am Masseyrule... she's well looked after mate.... too well according to Mrs F... she's heated in the winter  :D :D

there was more room last time i popped round! :o :o :D :D

Not easy to tinker these days ben  :-[ - I do like to sit on her and have a smoke of an evening mind you  ;D

Nearly forgot this pic  ;D


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more like you didnt want another broken gear stick mate :D :D :D :D

You got me      I wasn't letting him drive 2640      But there is one little risk i had to take and that is that he was the one driving laverda 3 years ago when it went up in flames    Perhaps he's Jinxed ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D    Or I am a lucky sod who just happens to not be driving them when they bust ;)

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