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Great show Mandy, I did enjoy myself and Stu is quite impressed by my purchases.  Take it easy driving back.  I did bring my camera but forgot to take the photo of the "united front"!

Hells bells... damnation and other rudey words  >:( - just my flipping luck...  :'( :'(

Glad you girls had a good time... looking forward to seeing the pics in latest purchase... and I echo Susans comments Mandy - drive carefully... and keep the doors locked in town  :o

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Hells bells... damnation and other rudey words  >:( - just my flipping luck...  :'( :'(

Glad you girls had a good time... looking forward to seeing the pics in latest purchase... and I echo Susans comments Mandy - drive carefully... and keep the doors locked in town  :o

About to upload them

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Been playing rugby for the school team again today, we absoelutly trashed the other team completely outclassed them but still lost due to one strong runner on the wing  >:( >:(>:(

Then just climbing in some salad harvesters and McCormick CX105's  8)

And tomorrow i start training for my club again  :)

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I wondered why the share price in Magners had gone down this week Sean,  ::)

took some getting used to i must say, aint drunk stella properly now for a while, currently logged on via there crews wi-fi on my phone, so free, why dont they get thier secruity sorted out eh ::) ::)::) ::)::) ::),not that i am complaining
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took some getting used to i must say, aint drunk stella properly now for a while, currently logged on via there crews wi-fi on my phone, so free, why dont they get thier secruity sorted out eh ::) ::)::) ::)::) ::),not that i am complaining

why you are on, theres a nice massey topic by Hody ;) ;)

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Been up since 4.30am, left Bloomsbury Holiday Inn (was disgusted to find Betty bumper to bumper with a Merc in the hotel car park :() to pick up Holly from Mum's in Oxon - now in Somerset eating chocolate croissants with my Daddy in the sunshine :)

I am sooooooooooooooooooooooo tired :(

Will tell u all about the Norman Joplin Fair when I'm a bit more awake!

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sat by the pool relaxing before tommorrow, mp3 players flat so was tinkering with my phone and found thier network, the joys of nokias wifi lan finder,its great,

hahahahaha you got busted!!!

i think he messed with the ship controls and crashed  :D :D :D :D :D::)

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Been up since 4.30am, left Bloomsbury Holiday Inn (was disgusted to find Betty bumper to bumper with a Merc in the hotel car park :() to pick up Holly from Mum's in Oxon - now in Somerset eating chocolate croissants with my Daddy in the sunshine :)

I am sooooooooooooooooooooooo tired :(

Will tell u all about the Norman Joplin Fair when I'm a bit more awake!

Glad you made it back safe and sound. 

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First pic from the Joplin Fair - people that may be familiar to vintage lead collectors would be:


Arnold Rolak (bottom right - co-writer of Britains Civilian Toy Figures)

Philip Dean (second, bottom right - photographer for Britains Civilian Toy Figures and Norman's latest book Hollowcast Civilian Toy Figures)

The tall chap in the red shirt was called Niels and owns one of the largest Britains collections in the world, including 6 MF 135s (I chatted to him for ages  :))

Will post futher pics when I get them (including one with Norman in it, as he took this one!)

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First pic from the Joplin Fair - people that may be familiar to vintage lead collectors would be:


Arnold Rolak (bottom right - co-writer of Britains Civilian Toy Figures)

Philip Dean (second, bottom right - photographer for Britains Civilian Toy Figures and Norman's latest book Hollowcast Civilian Toy Figures)

The tall chap in the red shirt was called Niels and owns one of the largest Britains collections in the world, including 6 MF 135s (I chatted to him for ages  :))

Will post futher pics when I get them (including one with Norman in it, as he took this one!)

Is he an FTF member at all Mandy?

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