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Looks like a name change is on the cards ben, "Disasterman810"  :D :D :D

no no no still arround if a little bigger, marky i need to find that pink inflatable t-shirt again mate

did get busted though, got a "un-authourised access message and of it went, mind you saved me 15 quid for ten mins via there network, that was the charge

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getting the hang of a JCB tele truck

What do you think of it... I was well impressed with the one I tried... the lads in the warehouse had a different opinion sadly  :'(

For me.... today I are bin mostly...

Having lunch with a certain FTF Beetharvester and high quallity trailer maker.... Nice to see you buddy  ;)

Oh... and I did a little bit of work in the afternoon...  :-[

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Dung cart. Chicken poop yesterday. Cattle poop today. One of my fave jobs too. :)

Happy as a pig in Sh-1- t?

Fettled the fish tank and bought a few more fish as I have had some losses over the last few months.  Some of them were 6-7 years old which is quite old for aquarium fish

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At school all day studying the effect of water levels flooding the fens by 2080 if the polar ice caps melt  :-\ So been at school working and then straight after i represented the school yr 10 team against our arch nemesis' Dartford grammar.

First minute there biggest, toughest player was covered in blood with a broken nose and one of our players was taken to hopistal with severe concussion  :-\ :-\

But we lost unfortunaetly but a awesome game  :)

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At school all day studying the effect of water levels flooding the fens by 2080 if the polar ice caps melt   :-\ So been at school working and then straight after i represented the school yr 10 team against our arch nemesis' Dartford grammar.

First minute there biggest, toughest player was covered in blood with a broken nose and one of our players was taken to hopistal with severe concussion  :-\ :-\

But we lost unfortunaetly but a awesome game  :)

Well.... get your mates and bring a bloody bucket each quuuuuuuuuuuuuiiiiiccccccckkkkkkk - It may happen a few weeks earlier...  :o
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It's not looking good down your end old bean  :D :D

:o :o :o - it's ok for me... I'm standing on Bens Shoulders... lets hope the water depth doesn't get more than 6`2" - or my flipflops will get wet  :o:D :D

Second thoughts... Barry has asked me to move in with him... Haaaaaastings here we come - you get the first round Nick BTW - mines a pint of lager please  ;D

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:o :o :o - it's ok for me... I'm standing on Bens Shoulders... lets hope the water depth doesn't get more than 6`2" - or my flipflops will get wet  :o:D :D

Second thoughts... Barry has asked me to move in with him... Haaaaaastings here we come - you get the first round Nick BTW - mines a pint of lager please  ;D

By 2080 should only be around 1 to 2ft but if the whole polar regions melt it will be about 7ft  :o :o I recomend some more flip flops  :D

I'll be down like a shot .. if Hastings isn't underwater to  :-[:-[ :D

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Been discing today with the TM175 on the Solo as the 8770 is in the workshop, had to move our 360 first thing though with the TSA and lowloader. Off spud carting tomorrow with one of those fancy bulk bagging trailers, will try to get you's lot some pics ;):)

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Cold water or tropical Susan  ??? - 6-7 years is a good innings for a fish  :o

Cold water. 

My grandfather bought be my first goldfish when I was 3 years old - 2 standard goldfish called Humpty & Dumpty.  Humpty finally went to Fish Heaven some 18 years later.  He even got frozen in the tank during the winter of 62/63.  We had to dig the fish out of the ice with a tablespoon and they all survived.  The tank didn't - all the glass broke

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