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What have you been doing or plan on doing today?

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What a day.... after a 2am finish this morning wrapping presents [nearly done  :-\] I woke up late to irate phone calls from my boss about a sh*tty defects job I'm trying to get done, fixing the unfixable, a responsibility of the client and main contractor, both of whom cocked up the spec and build of a swimming pool, resulting in there being no falls in the shower area so the water runs into the changing room. We were ordered to build a 'bund' across the gap between the two and vinyl over it which has failed badly - as the floor layers warned us it would - and it falls to us to put it right. If it were my company I'd tell the school it's the PC's fault for cocking up the slab levels and tell the PC to stick his £3k retention and rip the floors up like he should have done in the first place... still, I went to site and have told the school they can't use the pool til the 7th of January while the floors dry so we can repair them ....  ::)

After that got me massively stressed it was off to finish up some shopping, back home to tidy up the last mess outside ready for our party tomorrow, and this evening I have been making stuff to decorate the house, a wreath for the door and little posies to hang off lights & stuff using Ivy, Fir & Mistletoe.... they look nice enough but I'd have liked some Holly!  ::):D

I'm now going to have a spruce round to tidy up the mess I made doing my decorating and then going to hit the hay.... ;D ;D

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go to sleep in an hour i hope  ;):D :D

well i am going to post this up tomorrow go to bed at 8 o clock

because last i was crying because of the loss on my granda i was devastated what happened to him and i had woke up at 5 oclock in the morning and was amazed by the presents that were down there  :o :o :o my laptop is nearly 1 years old and it will be its 1st b day  :D :D

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been to town to take two coats back....they left the security tag in each pocket, rung them up, suggested we use tesco to remove them if we cant get back in >:( >:(:D,  and they said 'oh it only goes off when you come into the shop' ::), so wife took them back while i waited in the car, when she got back i asked her if they set the alarm off when she went in....nope :D :D :D :D....so pretty useless tags really :D :D :D :D

spent most of the afternoon in the loft, wife put the tree up in the lounge while i rearranged the models......stuff i forgot i had!, 4 JCB transits, 5 white ones, 3 flat bed ones, a PDC 6480 MF convo, 6 compressors, and some other stuff :D :D :D

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got up at half 5 drove to work scraped cubicles bedded cubbicles and scraped paasageways of 250 cow house put in 12ton tmr milked a few row washed parlour and pulled out 3 heifers that were on,drove home takin breakfast shortly dinner at 2pm milking at 4pm

good lad peter. its great getting to scrape and bed instead of milk :D merry christmas mate!

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What a great day I had yesterday. Lunch was amazing, first time I have worked away and it has felt like christmas. After the meal ended up playing singstar and then wii sports. Went into baku after that got back to the camp at 2am and was in work this morning for 9am. Not feeling too bad considering I was drinking since 1pm ::) ::)

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Had a blinding day yesterday. Got up and opened our stockings from eachother. Got breakfast ready for us two and Tracis parents. Cereals, toast, poached egg, smoked salmon, champagne. . . . They were well impressed. Then pressies and then got our dinner ready for just us two which was fab. More pressies and then tele, more company, drink, tele, drink sleep!

I love Port ;D

Today, Mums then back home to Dads.

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