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What have you been doing or plan on doing today?

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Sorted out several jobs I have been meaning to do,inc new lights for the decking, sound proofed the walls in the new boiler cupboard and boarded that up ready to go for the boiler move, took the quote down to the builder to get it finalised as they mis quoted for a load of work that I am doing and didn't need them to, hopefully about 5 grand of the price after that. With the aim to start before the middle of next month, he's got the guys in place ready to go. Cut the grass and sorted the boarders out weeds wise, and as a last job, made the trunk for a new tree for the layout,after getting distracted looking for my Stanley knife in. The shed 

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My granddaughters made this cushion for my mate Eric ,you see the story goes like this Eric not got a lot of feeling in his fingers arms following having a stroke, he has several bird-feeders/tables out side his living room window and often sit there watching but he noticed a rat was coming up to get the food so he got out his 22 airgun and sat there waiting with the window open and when the rat appeared he slowly raised the gun putting his finger on the trigger remember he has not a lot of feeling in fingers yes as he raised the gun it went off he now has a hole in the back of his settee ,Eric  loves watching DADS ARMY on the telly so my granddaughters made him a dads army cushion to put over the hole , and a good laugh was had by all        



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2 hours ago, MadMark said:

Looks like they based the person on you smithy, or should we call you "corporal Jones";);D, nice to see your granddaughters having the skills to make a cushion as most youngsters wouldn't know how to thread a needle because they woul rather be playing with their mobile phones.

Yes thanks Mark it could be modelled on me haha , both the girls can knit and sew things yes they do need a bit of help on it but the wife is always on hand to help them out as she is the one that teaches them ,they do play games on our mobiles but the younger one would rather be up the farm with the horses and the other one driving the tractors with me  but remember Mark DONT TELL THEM YOUR NAME PIKE  

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Back to work today after 4 days off, to find out I am likely to be in the office for a few months now, as the guy I cover normally had a heart attack Sunday night, so book any time of work you want as there's bound to be a heat wave now ;D;D;D

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I've moved into a new flat on a farm recently bought by the vineyard I work part-time for. It's starting to look more homely since taking delivery of a 3 seat leather sofa yesterday but still need to sort out phone/broadband, washer drier and blinds.

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The van was my wheels for the day yesterday as I was out and about delivering and picking up things for the local engineering company , the tractor is my MXU 135 CASE with a Wessex Topper which I am in today, the field I am in on the picture is the one I ripped up and reseeded last year   







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2 hours ago, Tractorman810 said:

You don't let the grass grow long and bale it then smithy ?? Well it to the horsey types ?? 

Not on this one at the moment Sean might do next year as its fresh grass I don't wont to hit it too early with chemicals to control the weeds so will top it a couple of times so weeds don't seed and hit it with something in the autumn will bale about 5000 small bales of the other bits I have so not really worried about this bit at the moment      

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13 hours ago, MadMark said:

Been running the shop today all on my own as no one else turned up because of the weather:rolleyes: Banned 1 bloke for life as he was a total dingbat swearing and saying he's going to kill me and other things in front of customers because I wouldn't let him in the back bit (he's an ex volunteer and thinks he can do what he likes) 

Makes you wonder what goes on in some peoples heads really. Looks well on you for managing the situation in the best manner though

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12 hours ago, MadMark said:

I did say sorry to the other customers about the scene and I text the manager of the shop about it and she is 100% behind me on it.

Glad you kept calm Mark just like good old Greengrass would haha  well done

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Been up the Suffolk Show today sorry but did not get any photos of the machinery stands but did got a picture of PDC father Brian enjoying himself as he drove round a small ring on his pride and joy he was also letting the small ones have a sit on it and have there picture taken he should be there again tomorrow doing the same go say hello if you are up the show 




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