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At work with Gav


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Might as well start a new week the same way as we finished the last one...........



That was on light land as well, all the heavy stuff is finished now, just no bottom to this stuff, by the time the tractor has spun its stuck. Rained off again at the moment with only 2 loads/16 rows left in the field to lift.

This is a new lifting technique designed to test trailer drivers out.............was too wet to reverse down the ruts where we had to pull out the previous load 50m from the headland so got him to drive down and load up in reverse for that shorter distance


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The worst bit is that the first two pictures in my last post are on a neighbours field. We were lucky in that we got all of our first wheats in in near perfect conditions and also our winter barley, whats more surprising is that the slugs haven't been hitting the wheat too hard, just the damned geese attacking it as they come in for the winter.

We finally finished lifting spuds yesterday lunchtime despite having 3mm of rain Monday afternoon, I was determined to push it and get them done for the sake of just a few rows, what was in the trailers was a 50/50 mix of mud and spuds though. I did have one minor incident with the harvester but manged to reverse out and get through it on the second run, the wonders of a powerful wheel drive system. After 6 hours with a pressure washer today I finally have a clean turn out again, I'd almost forgotten what it looked like without mud plastered all over it!!


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Its been a long while since I updated this but its been too wet to get up to much in the fields until this week. We have 2 muck spreaders on hire at the moment, I have one on my Puma and the owners son has one on the 6910. We've nearly finished now but I've been finding a few wet spots today, I knew it was wet in that corner as a rule but its never been so far out into the field before, not needed a chain yet though. I did have to rescue the 6910 tonight though after someone went through a wet hole complete with ruts after I'd told him to avoid that area ::) Quick shunt backwards and full throttle forwards and it was out, not a happy bunny though as it was dark and starting to rain when he done that.


Puma and 16t spreader




6910 - keeping well back as I want my windows intact!!




Moderately moist corner in the field, spreader slipped off the tramline




Never been wet that far out before.......



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How wide will the spreader throw the muck Gav?


About 8m Ol but varies as to how wet the muck is.



I loves spreading I do :) I take you're not being too 'generous' with the loads given the conditions?!



Full loads Tris due to the carting distances and not wanting to chew the headlands up more than absolutely necessary by running to the gate. We have had bigger loads on them before though but have to be carefull when going down the road as we have a village half full of incomers who have nothing better to do than find something to complain about. I did have one complaint via the boss from a man about the verge outside his gate having a spreader wheel put down the edge of it, nothing more was said when I pointed out that its not his verge anyway as the first 1m of verge belongs to the council regardless of whether or not he manicures it and when you meet an artic on a single trac road you have to try and squeeze past eachother where you can.........not as if it was deliberate and the ran on section is less that 6 inches wide ::)

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After having some beet out last Friday I managed to get one of the two fields ploughed by lunch time today, after a discussion with my boss it was decided that I'd better drop the plough off and drill it with my Puma as well as it had ploughed out livery in places. The joys of only having one tractor that is master of the drill in less than favourable conditions and a drill that is a pile of crap for late drilling!!!


Got the field finished just as it came on to snow hard again, at least I could see my mark then as I had struggled with it all afternoon thanks to the conditions





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If it wasn't for the beet coming off that field John we wouldn't have been able to do it either, good job I did finish it last night as it now has 6 inches of snow laying on top of it!!! Will be a few days before we can get back into the fields now.

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This is what happens when you have a -10C frost and a certain person has yet again not put antifreeze in his sprayer, there's still 50ltrs in the oil store that I ordered to do the job last year, was never done then either with the same results. Just hope nothing else is damaged esecially as its just back from being overhauled at the dealers ::)





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This is what happens when you have a -10C frost and a certain person has yet again not put antifreeze in his sprayer, there's still 50ltrs in the oil store that I ordered to do the job last year, was never done then either with the same results. Just hope nothing else is damaged esecially as its just back from being overhauled at the dealers ::)





Lovely little mess there Gav just hope the pump isnt cracked :?

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To be quite honest Bob its his own stupid fault if it is, the sprayer is sitting in an open ended cattle building that gives no insulating effect what so ever, it was just taken off the tractor and dumped there. Its happened every year since we've had the machine so far and it really bugs me but then I have very little to do with the sprayer so just leave him to it.

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I turned down the offer of a second work based interview there as I found out some info from someone who knows the farm and knows the previous chap who worked there, that and a couple of other things put me off it.

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while its anoying ,and un professional ,the best way to look at it is "i aint paying the repair bill" gav ,as long as your nose is clean its his problem to explain to the owner, we used to leave a slot out in the straw to park our sprayers in, the 575 or alleys later on ,usally left a gap on the side against the lower machinery bit to reverse it in to after some kit shuffling to make room ,always acted as a good insulation saver then

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Looks like it hasn't even been rinsed out in the last pic! PDM? Years ago I cracked some lines and vowed to have double strength anti freeze in the sprayer after that, as there can be hidden damge too.

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many years ago went out to spray off a small grass farm with GRAMOXONE ahead of a friend ploughing it up subsequently, only to get out in the first field and find the draught of travelling on the road for 1/2 hr on a frosty February morning had frozen the DEVA Boutmarker fluid which being soap-based was really surprising as I'd not met that before! Fortunately nothing had split though.

Edited by NIGEL FORD
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