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Old MF part 7


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Come on Pops, theres some horrible red thing infront of that nice JD combine. Get your pictures sorted out! :D

Oh yes why did I not notice that :D :D :D :D :D :D  (Pops gets under table out of BGU line waiting for Marky's cannon to go off)  :D :D :D :D :D  INCOMING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Now then Kev... something I meant to say to you... oh year... I think I remember now....

Pwwwwttthhhhhhh  :P

Pops Pops Pops... what a collection of pic... my observations from these pics...

1. Just look at the two 860's Swwwwwwweeeeettttt - the best combine Massey EVER made ... and the 850 seems to have the rice wheels on the rear... interesting...

2. Even better still... just look at that 1805  :-*:-* :-* - What a huge brute she was in the late 70's  - 210 hp  :o

3. Strange tyres (tires to you lot)... on the 2805's (190hp and a wooden dash - very 80's) ... seems like they have traction tyres on the front when its a 2wd... I've not seen that before

4. The 860 in the sideways pic needs the guard putting on the graintank elevator top.... very dangerous indeed  >:(

5. I seem to have dripped dribble on my computer and it's maming a funny "fizzing and popping" noise right now... I      t    doe  s      n      t    seeeeeeeee        m  to      BEEEEEE    W*rrrrrr      k      i    nggg now

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Maybe when I see the title say... Old MF part 347685908887456111145324894.... then I may be a little sick of them... or dead..  :-\

Ooooooo that 431.. the Yankie Fanny Ferguson...  :-*:-*

Funny winter covers on the 150 as well pops... would that be to direct engine heat to the farmers legs  ???

And... can you see that 4900 in the background with 3 point linkage... I thought you lot only had drawbars on yer big kit  ???:-\

Keep em coming pops... say... how much is the little 431 anyway Pops  ???

Oh... and a BLACK 1100  :o :o - Must have been hand painted  :-\

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Maybe when I see the title say... Old MF part 347685908887456111145324894.... then I may be a little sick of them... or dead..  :-\

Ooooooo that 431.. the Yankie Fanny Ferguson...  :-*:-*

Funny winter covers on the 150 as well pops... would that be to direct engine heat to the farmers legs  ???

And... can you see that 4900 in the background with 3 point linkage... I thought you lot only had drawbars on yer big kit  ???:-\

Keep em coming pops... say... how much is the little 431 anyway Pops  ???

Oh... and a BLACK 1100  :o :o - Must have been hand painted  :-\

6,000 pounds

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Get the Ford off this post  >:(

You what... broken down... give us a push lads  ::)  :D :D :D

Boy oh boy...

Looks like the 2675 was our 2680 then (ish) (well same engine anyway)

Look at that little baler as well... and the year you were born Pops.... 1837  :o - How lucky is that

As for the combine  :-*:-* - Is that a 9790 Pops  ???

And a 533  ??? ??? - Never even heard of the 500 series... must be a new model range bu the looks if it... it has the new 400 series facelift grill (round headlights and new style badge)

And a 180 with a hinkler cab  :-*:-* - Looks sweet Pops

As for the oldies... we need someone REALLY REALLY old to tell us about them please...  ;):D :D

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M on one cheek and F on the other  ;D

Thanks goodness it wasn't MOD... just think what the O would be  :o

Now then Pops... stop it.. this is not good for my old ticker... especially the 1105 pics  :'( and look at that 5455 as well... they look great as a 2wd don't they  :-*:-*

Oh how I want the 1005 topper as well... that would be lovely behind my Fanny  :-*

Can you mail me one please  ;D - Oh... and mark it as a gift  :-*

Now then... Part 8 part 8 part 8 part 8 part 8 part 8

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Has 3690 Bonnet ( Hood ) been modified for visibility Regulations ,, Ford 8730s for Germany were changed slightly due to this ?  ?  ? :) :) ;D   Maybe this applied in certain States

nah they were all built like this , all thats under there is the batteries & oil coolers , the slope was just the way it was designed  :)

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