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Few pictures from round the farms *Updated on - 10/03/13*


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Had the mill mix in this week too. Normally it is Barley, Oats, Beans, Yeast, Pellets and some Minerals. Ran out of beans, pellets and yeast though so not quite as yummy this week. He mills up 14t a week near enough. That does 60 Angus hieffers and 100 bulls I think. Plus the last years calves. The sucklers just get silage and minerals.





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I did notice that Nick, after I took the pic and I just new someone would rollock me!! :D

The bull beef are bought in, ex dairy stock Rob. The Angus heiffers are too.

And Kev, loving it mate :)

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Like those Angus' could do with a few of those now :'(

That 7840 looks very very tidy Tris ;D

with salad and chips  ;D ;D ;D

nice pics Tris, good to see your keeping busy!

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Some of the last photos from the farm now, here is the packhouse where the eggs arrive via the conveyor belts and some girls put them in the trays on pallets ready for collection by lorry every other day. This is fixed in so it gets washed and sanitised where it is.


Everything else come out though, yup... even the kitchen sink!!


Bare now, that's where the sink and desk go. The floor covers are up too so that the belts can be thoroughly washed.


Creepy Crawly, he was a monster!!


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Cheers guys  :) Bit of a gap now as I was away doing other things, pics of that next. Here is the shed being stocked up, 6000 hens each side. The lorries come the night before and unload the crates into the shed. Then we unload the crates in the morning in dim light so as not to stress them.  :)



When I left at Easter weekend the first egg had been laid so by now they must be laying quite well, not sure if they have been let outside yet. They have a fortnight on the floor, then a fortnight with the concrete floor scratch area and then the popholes are opened. Ought to get down there for some pics, maybe a dog walk in order somewhen.

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A few posts to knock in with this. It's ok for the odd one or two but being on the buttons you can't control the descent of the wieght like you can on a lever. I didn't like it  :(


Fertiliser truck turned up with 12t for us.


Wieghing the cattle, AA Hieffers in this pic.


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With that dry weather we had in March we saw an oppurtunity to get out in the paddock where the cattle had their feeders towards the end of last years grazing period. As you can see it it badly panned.


As you can see, a puddle like this and tractor us still in sight. ... the ground is rock hard underneath. Not enough grip available for anything deeper so it was a job for the spring tines.


A little progress.


As you can see, no exhaust pipe as it is a shade to tall for the cattle sheds. This is the straw chopper tractor! >:(


After half a dozen passes at various angles the water has found it's way through the soil ans it is now left to dry up. I hope by now he has done it again and got is seeded.


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A new born. I watched the cow for a while through the morning and she seemed to think she had already calved going by how she was acting. Philip came and watched so we decided to pull.


It's a bigun!


Introduced to Mummy for the first time.


A happy Bullock and proud Mum.


All cleaned up and the first steps within the hour.


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Then after the easter weekend it was on the agency work again. A week with Bryan Rayner, nights running from Didcot to Kingsbury/Atherstone TNT depots. Was expecting an FM12 or something .. Nice surprise then to turn up and find the keys in my hand were for this!!


Some of the other trucks in this huge fleet. Tippers, cutainsiders, fridges, containers, tankers, bulkers. . .. this guy does a lot!!! Mainly a Scania and Volvo fleet with the odd DAF, Merc and MAN. Some are in company colours, Tarmac, Bardon, TNT are some of the liveries. These are all in own colours though.


Driving for TNT means no stopping on any condition unless broken down; between depots..... (TNT Didcot got a fine of ?200 for this 10min toilet break!!!


So that counts out all the main truck services for diesel!! Went here before my shift started. ... Good job I got in coz I was running on vapour!!28032008507.jpg


Parked up at Atherstone with another of the fleet.


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The next week gave me a couple of days driving a milk tanker for ARLA based at Frome Creamery.

At Westbury Dairies. Waited for ages to unload as they didn't want the cream - too much costic in it or something.



Dairy Crest, Severnside st Stroud. Easy here, take a sample, drop your trailer and go back with an empty  :)


Heading along the M4, sunset in my mirror. 8)


All parked up, off home :)


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The week after that I did some work for Traci's Dad, he wanted a new soak away dug in so it was time to play on an mini-digger  ;D


Didn't take long for the old soak away to come through the side wall and full cesspit to run in  :o



Only one thing for it, bucket it out and tip it on that lovely tendered and manucured lawn!!  :-\



A passenger, Traci's niece Lottie loves it when the tractor comes out so we had a ride up the lane to tip the spoil in Terry's friends' field.


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Pit dug and water gone.


Local stone lorry turns up, Terry gets all his sand, gravel, ballast etc from these guys. Have a hard in Westbury we go to alot.




Job done, topsoil on, raked over and seeded.


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A few days with an old employer of mine Wessex Water. Havn't touched a Vac Tank for two years or more but they asked for me by name to help them out though the agency. Then asked if I would train up another guy!!

Wagon parked up at Bleadon near Weston -S - Mare. This is a hire outfit, they run Daf artics thereselves but the one that should be here is away for service and the tanker has a cracked axle.  ::)


Loading at W-S-M.


Loading at night at Wick St Lawrence.


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