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Few pictures from round the farms *Updated on - 10/03/13*


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No Sean, they do a fair bit of domestic trade too. A lot of small holders and dairy farmers like the revamped Fergies and then there are MF3000, Ford 40 series, SG2's, plant, lorries, combines, implements. . . . All sorts. Bodmin wagon is a V reg and she's loaded up and ready to go. Off to bed now, I'm leaving at 3.30am in the Scania with the ERF and refurbed 2680 and my mate is driving a Iveco Eurocargo up with a 165 in the back, again both for export. Then from Immingham into a truck auction at . . . between there and Doncaster anyway! Night all.

P.S PDC made it to Scotch Corner on his way to Scotland!

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now shes a tidy 698 mate, long wheel base one to, ours was a 4wd short one, lovely to drive, cant say i have ever seen a 2wd 698t in real life, most up suffolk way i saw were 4wd long or short chassis wise

were my dad works had x2 689T 2wd tractors, both on B reg plates, one drilled and one was on the power harrow, both had rear duels fitted both had 3 sticks from memory but only one had aircon and one had 3 spools fitted
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Thanks chaps, here's some more.

Cattle now and the herds are majority Charolais with a few odd bods, Limousins and Herefords and Aberdeen Angus.

First up, the Bulls  8)

Aberdeen Angus and real beauty, he'll be leaving soon though to avoid any inbreeding. Shame, he is a smashing bull.



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The next two, the elder's of the herd! Not sure of their age or their names as I have lost track of who is where. They all have names with the first letter of each name corresponding with the year they were born. There always used to be Peter (the Angus), William, Trevor, Sunset. ... but a few more have been kept back from calves over the last few years.



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Some younger bulls now, this chap will be heading out with the cows next  spring. The other one is out for the first time now, I have a video of  his vocal talent which I will try to upload, he's quite a chatty thing  :laugh:



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Next are some foster mums, the Holstein was bought just for her milk yield and every morning she waits by the shed along with three Charolais cows which she has helped train. They wait to be be let in to feed these calves. I go off and do the rounds and by the time I come back they are waiting by the gate to go back out to graze for the day. Amazing really.  :)



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Now, some haulage. As I mentioned in other posts I was off up to Immingham docks this week with an ERF 8 wheel brick and block lorry, an MF2680 and a disc plough all off to warmer climates. Here, after my first 4.5hr I am parked up at Woodall services.



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Parked up at the docks, had to unload in the designated bay and leave the lowloader there. Took the ERF (my first drive of one!) over the road to weigh it in and then back to measure up dimensions for the ship.

And after the sale along the M180 this was my return cargo, a popular export at the moment. Two Merc 7.5t box lorries. There was not a lot of space between them, infront of them nor behind the, either!! This is at The Stockyard where I stopped for my night out. Didn't realise the fog lights were on though  >:(



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The front lorry was resting on its leaf springs on the lowloaders bump bar, the rear lorry was about 4in behind it and the ramps were strapped up against it's rear bumper. At that, I still had to drop the red airline, pull the fifth wheel slider pin and slide the fifth wheel back to the last notch to get some extra room between the first Merc and the back of the Scania cab!!

Not heavy by any means but I was glad to be heading south and out of the winds. The rear view mirror offered an imposing view on bends and roundabouts. I did get a few sideways glances on the A4 on the way back through Berkshire and Wiltshire the following day!! :laugh:



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Low(loader) and behold, who is not more than 10mins away when I ring him? My evening entertainment was a good meal, a couple of pints and a laugh with Paul..... Oh and the local divorcee's on kar(crash)eoke "singing" to some awful numbers!!

The Challenger was there on a Coxinental lorry but left soon afterwards but I caught up with it the following morning on the M1. Quite a sight on a motorway, it was an 855.



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A refurbished 6610 and a lovely genuine 7600 on the right.  8)

This morning a lorry was parked up outside after bunking up for the night last night. It is the second load he has brought in this week of tractors from the Cornwall area. Plus my load of lorries, plus another load of lorries which was picked up. Also for export, my load to the docks, plus another load to the docks and three containers were also loaded this week - which I am told is a quiet week!!!  :of :of



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Great update Tris.... one night on the lash with old PDC and he's got you stacking your truck up with as much as can possibly be crammed on I see  :of:D :D

Something not right about the front grill on the 290 mate too... do they make them from 'bits' they have laying around ??? I guess they can make 290's from 188's and 590's as well really  :-\

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All the tin work is Turkish I believe Mark and I think you're right, the export 290 model may have been anything similar from the last 40 odd years I suppose. Probably why they arn't running short of donors yet maybe?

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