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want to loose your droopy look

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well been tinkering with the ford 5000 this eve,

first up the droop ;)

this little number took  me 5 mins tops

stage 1, remove the rear wheels, just pull carefully and straight opposite ways and they will pull off easy

stage 2, remove the 2 screws one each side

stage 3, with a sharp knife or dremmel if your lucky, remove the raised bit arround the screw holes each side, and then cut a notch out from below the holes where they sit on the chassis( if your young go carefull at this point, if the knife slips it hurts  ;))

stage 4, push the floorpan/arches downwards to the desired position, mine was no more that 1mm

stage 5 , with  a knife remove the excess arch plastic thats now over the hole, each side where the screw goes,remembering to keep the preassure on the arches if they are pushing back up

stage 6, refit the screws (again applying preassure if needed),and then  refit wheels

as easy as that

first pic is of the arches after cutting

second of how it lok after refitting



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It Is maybe a stupid question!!! But what's the purpose to do this ??? ???

I don't understand Maybe you can show  ??? ???

have you seen the pics of the new untouched model yet mate?? if not they are here somewhere, when you look at the model side on, the cab and body seem to bend in the middel as if its bent, hence the topic really,

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have you seen the pics of the new untouched model yet mate?? if not they are here somewhere, when you look at the model side on, the cab and body seem to bend in the middel as if its bent, hence the topic really,

oh now I get IT thanx sean  ;D ;D

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I must admit RC2 Quality controlers deserve the numpty here for releasing a good model that has gone under their noses

I think they should be sacked  :'(

I still like the model and after sean showing us how to remedy it our selfs

im more tempted to buy them all now though we shouldent have to

tinker with a finnished product  :-\

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Oh ya Seanie baby thanks for startin this thread............pwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwtttttttttttttttttttthhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :P

oh rick, green eyed monster out to play tonite mate :D :D :D :D :D :D

i am  more than happy to cut a ford up in the aid of other members getting what they want mate, its almost as much fun a doing it to a jd to be honest ;):D :D :D

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