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fence pannels & sheep hurdles



, as i was aimlessly wondering around the house like i do , i happened to stumble upon a pack of c0cktail sticks in a kitchen cupboard , seemed a shame to see them doing nothing , so i had a head numbing moment & came up with these  :D

stuck 3 sticks into a firm peice of card & started to weave the other sticks into place

as each stick was positioned a dab of glue was used to keep them in place & also to stop the ends from splaying outwards


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Thirded - I have also seen these, given them a little fondle . ... ..  and they do look really authentic. Not the sort of thing that you would necessarily see now a days but a just the sort of thing to be found lurking in shed on any diorama, or lean't up in the yard somewhere. Let me know when you do your next batch chopper. May have to have a couple.  :)

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how long do they take to make Marcus and have you a layout to display them on

I cant remember seeing yours on the forum

they look great mate

thanks mike , unfortunately i don't have a display  just the pic on page 2 , but i think ladyfarmer will be putting a few in her display

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thanks mike , unfortunately i don't have a display  just the pic on page 2 , but i think ladyfarmer will be putting a few in her display

I will indeed - I want to use them as wind breaks along the vegetable patches. Will let u know just as soon as I get around to playing working on it again ;)

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