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New Holland CX760 harvesting in Kent

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Well i've been looking forward to harvest with great anticipation all year and finally it's just starting with OSR. I went out this morning and was a bit disapointed because although there was a combine there was no driver .... but what a lovely machine this really is. Enjoy a few pictures of it stationery....

It's been working today and i've got loads of pictures but im just putting them on photobucket now  ;) Hope these keep your appetite  :)













And then went along a bit later to see if anything was happening and the header was on the trailer and the combine gone .....  :o:):D


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Right place at the right time with old foxy then Nick, nice phots and should be handy for anyone wanting to spruce up the Britains one a bit I would think, some good close ups of the gubbins. Good work chap.

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Nice pics Nick, all be it a few more than i would post! :D :D

I do like the NH combine, not sure why yet, something about it :-\ :-\

blimey dont they unload on the move then nick??

Sean, they dont over here either, just have a trailer or two at the edge of the field

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Thanks guys for the kind comments  ;) Appreciate it ...

Sean: Um im not sure in all cases here, just happens the two examples i've seen have. The farm from these pictures aren't huge tractor wise with two Valtras and imagine with those small trailers the amount of carting.. only one Valtra was working i think  :-\ But it's not uncommon to have trailers at the side of the field ... just doesn't look as good to me  :) :)

Tris: Thanks mate, yeah was quite lucky but had my head behind the camera and then just saw a family run out of the way and literally right past me so i snapped a few  :)

Ben: Yeah once again my pics ... really sorry  :-[:-* I like them personally, it's a matter of taste and i think they look awesome  :) Prefer a Lexion though  :D :D

Nashmach: Yeah probably, a shame really i like to see the unloading on the go  :)

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Nice pictures of the combine at work and " Basil Brush" making a run for it across the fields   ;)  Where are the hunt when you need them ?

Thanks very much mate and aww poor foxes, think unfortunaetly one in pure terror of the combine ran straight in the main road... saw a fox on the side of the road yesterday  :( Poor things  :(

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