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MODEL OF THE MOMENT... A collection of MF165's ~ and the real deal

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just been looking in an old CT mag he does both 2wd looks better with the cab. He's does the 690 and I'm sure his mum said a 135 as well when I spoke to her on sunday

Ah.... noooooo more money  :'( :D :D - a 135... now I bet that is somethng special.. Old Martyn is a dark horse you know... his models are first class as well  :o
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  • 1 year later...

cracking models mate & the real deal was a corker too , as for the red wheels , i really dont have a problem with them * deep breath * .... *grit teeth*.... *breath out & sigh*

the problem i have is that most people who do refurbs always seem to paint the wheels red when i bet their particular tractors  were silver when they were sold  >:(

bit like all the imaculate 168's i see at shows , cabless ? why ? the 168 was never relased as a cabless model  except for export ? & considering they all sport uk plates they should all have cabs on !

like the topic mate  :)

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Agreed on both counts there Mr B... I'd like to see your 168 with a ridig clad cab on her... that would be really something... especially a MKII cab - with the padded headlining  :-*:-*

flexi cab will go back on mate

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  • 1 year later...

:) Ta, tried his website http://www.farmingtoy.co.uk/ - it is a little dead when I try :'( :'(


I'm sure I haver his contact details.. will look them out and PM them to you.  Martyn is not a big 'website man' in all honesty.  One of the worlds best tractor modellers mind you  ;):D :D :D
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well a quick look through lord f and i quite like this topic  ;) ;)

martyn still builds for shows the 165, 1080 2wd and 4wd and very occasionally 690 :) :)

look out for something new soon..........................................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :angel: :angel:

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