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Spray Paint parting, help please???



I'm trying in vain to spray a model with Claas own brand of Claas green paint. As soon as the paint comes into contact with the surface (metal and plastci parts) the paint disperses, how can I stop this before I loose my temper and stamp on it?  :o

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Did you wash it with fairy liquid Tris as that has oil in it that will cause this to happen ;)

That was my first thought. I've got as much off with turps now and I am boiling the kettle to washi it down.

Then I'll prime and have another go. Spraying indoors and I keep my paint in the airing cupboard by the way.  :)

Reply when the primer is on. Cheers folks, helpful old lot ain't ya?!!  ;)

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If you remember Tris, I went through all this with the first beet harvester model I painted, some of which was caused by washing up liquid. glad its taken ok this time though, nothing worse than a paint job going wotsits up ::)

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Ya not wrong there Gav, I remember you telling me there were tyoe that didn't lik wbeing mixed and stuff. Bit more primer then that will be it, in the airing cupboard overnight and for the day tomorrow then a few top coats tomorrow night all being well.  :)

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I have never sprayed models but I know several superb model builders.  They all say the trick with paint is to ensure both paint and model are warm to start with.

They usually are painting diecast models and at least three of them stand both the spray can and the model on a radiator to heat up and also do the spraying in a warm place.  One works in a greenhouse during the summer. Their paint finishes are absolutely perfect gloss - showroom standard.

They also wash with fairy liquid and prime first

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That's interesting Sue. Traci will have a shock when I add 'greenhouse' to our house hunting list!! Makes sense though.

A glass "leanto" extension would work provided it gets hot!  That modeller also does his home brew in his grenhouse! SHMAC members have a lot of hidden talents but I have not yet tried his homebrew - it apparently has a kick like a mule and I am usually doing the driving when we visit.

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I have never sprayed models but I know several superb model builders.  They all say the trick with paint is to ensure both paint and model are warm to start with.

They usually are painting diecast models and at least three of them stand both the spray can and the model on a radiator to heat up and also do the spraying in a warm place.  One works in a greenhouse during the summer. Their paint finishes are absolutely perfect gloss - showroom standard.

They also wash with fairy liquid and prime first

it is indeed, i put mine in a bucket of hot water for 5 mins before hand ,and shake to, always takes first time, and thats not a tip from the vintage tractor article either, we all shred this a while back when somebody else asked about the same problem, just incase someone thinks i stole their "idea" not  ;)

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