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There are some Mark... that I wouldn't even dream of trying to persuade... although I can always have a word with Mrs MDF  ;);D

Think I am an honorary member of the Massive.  I am really into the Harry Ferguson rather than the Massey bit but they did join forces. Only Milord F can say for certain. 

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Won't be the first time ::) And anyway I don't see what's wrong with making everyone a member of the Massey Massive... save on squabbling and give you more free time from your moderating Benjamin ;):-*

good point Mandy! ;D ;D ;D

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me and sharon became grand parents for the first time today we have a grandaughter lovely  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Congratulations you two!! How will you been known? Traci's niece could never say Grandad when she was a baby and so it has been Ra-Ra ever since which is different and kinda cute. Hope the new bathroom hogging addition to the family is fit and weel and Mum too. She has a great pair of grandparents there for her. What will you be buying for her at Toytrac?!!

(I can hear Sharon in the background - "Your not buying her a bleeding tractor Graham!!")  :D :D

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I explained to one of my new neighbours about the models (showed him Holly Farm etc) and what I do for a living and he told me that he thought I was 'really cool'.... made my day... I've always wanted to be cool and certainly makes a change from 'geek'  ;);D

Cool eh!  8) When my neighbours see Leakey or Lilliput Vale I generally get "I've got my Britains stuff I had as a child up in the loft somewhere - or did it get left in the previous loft?  Is it worth a lot?  I shall have to dig it out."

Never "Cool" that is reserved for number two son telling me about his latest computer gizmo or new bike!  No, belay that as he did refer to Madam as "cool" when I first got her.

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REAL faggots at the farmers' market today. 

Martin Martindale's pork tastes the way port should taste (it has Flavour), his sausages are champions (he has the cup to prove it) and now he is making his own faggots or rather his son is.  I am going to enjoy them for my dinner tonight.

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