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just found out my cousin and myself are heading over to scotland for a week in july to do a bit of milking on a big farm over there. big rotatary parlour, milk over 200 cattle i think ::);D ;D ;D cant wait :)

Come over to nz mate, you could milk at my place, 300 cows or my neighbhours with 660 cows......

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I could imagnine that would be Very pleasing there jez....

I don't even want to imagine what is pleasing him about going to bed. . ..  after talking to a Swedish lady. . .  dirty boy!

:D :D :D :D

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at the party last night, got talking to one of sues work colleagues,turns out they farm a 400 acre organic beef and sheep farm about 30 mins drive from me, seems the old fella they used to hire for the 150 acres of barley they do for feed, has retired at the ripe old age of 75, so her husband has to drive this year, this in turn leaves them down a man for the harvest, shes going to have a word with her hubby and see if they can use me on weekends and my days off driving for them, have missed thier first sialge cut, but might be able to get a bit of work on the second cut to, really depends on if hes already agreed to take somebody one yet or not from dutchy collage, like they usally do,best bit is, their rake /turning tractor for the grass is a mf165 minus cab, and mf loader just fitted with a roll bar

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For a minute the Sean I thought you were going to get a newer tractor. All we ever hear is an Uncle Albert style 'when we were farming we had 165's, 590's, 690's. . . . ' :D :D

Will you be digging out that boiler suit you've kept in the bottom draw since 1972?

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:D :D no just jeans and a t shirt mate boiler suit indeed, not sure what else they run to be honest, it really depends on what i mentioned about the dutchy collage, they tend to use students for big harvest time jobs, as they get grants from them for it, even so i may get a few odd days down there i hope
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It would do you good to get back on a tractor now and then. Break away from the BT work in all weathers and the tripe you have to deal with you mention now and again. If they don't need you maybe the farmer could put you in contact with someone? BGU did well out of a similar scenario. . .

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i know mate, way to much hassle at work so a change of scene every now and then would be nice, and doing something i would enjoy, shes also going to check if it would be ok for me to store a tractor down there to if i want to buy one ;D ;D ;D ;D

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Hang on a minute, did I miss something. . . Your missus knows very well you have over 12k worth of models in the attic and is even doing the groundwork on finding you somewhere to store a real tractor?! ::)

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:D :D thats just the new boxed stuff mate, shes not totaled the old unboxed stuff :D :D :D :D :D

yeah she knows i want one, its just down to when  we do plan to move down into cornwall a bit further at some point ,mainly down to her work , even if its only 20 miles away from plymouth , so maybe i will have more space then for myself, but if one falls in my direction at some point i will need somewhere to keep her

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