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mrs pjw saying that i could have a glass cabinet to put some of my model tractors in :of???  she must be up to something :( :(

Suspicious... trust no one... check everything... something is up... don't be fooled man... we all fall for that..

My daughter last night (she's 12)..

Chessie: Daaaaaad..

Me: Yes darling

Chessie: Can I have a small extra present for christmas this year ??? - all my friends have them

Me: Oh yeah what's that then ??? (suspicious)

Chessie: some (insert brand name here) hair straighteners

Me: (Thinks... hair straighteners.. can't be expensive... only two elements and some power cord).. yes I should think so Chessie.. as it's you

Mrs F then takes me to one side and informs me that I've agreed to £140 worth of bloody power cord and elements  :of :of :'(

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Niki can get you those Marky.... presume she's after GHD's? I'll let you know how much but a damn sight less than that, proper ones too, not hooky or refurbished or with arabic instructions.... think one of her friends is in the trade.... ???

Mrs H is on her second set, I got her the pink charity ones originally which cost me 160 quid, however they got thrown at me in a 'disagreement' so the following Christmas she got a set of the later 'hot pink'  ???  charity ones.... pricey weapon....  ::)

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;D ;D  - I drive a hard bargain... as you can imagine...

Hello Mr Salesman... you what... it's a Massey... ok ok.. I'll take it.....

Oh... by the way... how much is it ???  :-[:P

As for the middle comment... you've cut me there... to the quick  :'( :'( :'(  - I liked it better when you wern't posting on here  :'( :'(

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Lordy  soft in the middle, :of go figure,  put him and Seanie in an elevator and see how fast down is........ :P  ("We are sorry for the inconvinece,  >:(  two porky Massey nuts got into the elevator at the same time,  :of  will be operational as soon as our  new cable arrives")  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

:blank: < here's  to those two clowns :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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I reckon I sold a tractor for him on Friday... he bought a (nice) chap over to look at mine... he's got a 6470 and he's not keen on it..

I think he'll get a another 6470 mind you.. he uses the HMS and Datatronic features of the 64's ... he took Hattie up the road an loved her... had a full bailey of logs on the back and she was pulling well he thought.. he also likes the quadlink on the front axle which he doesn't currently have.  he reckons Hattie sounds totally different to his 64  :-\

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Getting back online after 4 hours setting up a new modem and then having Vista blocking my access.  I was suffering serious FTF withdrawal symptons apart from being unable to do my job.  I am on the support line and without internet I have no phone system, no emails and was suffering a great deal of frustration.

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