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What really PLEASED you?

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Won ?50 on the premium bonds last week but only arrived in the post today!

Leakey Vale can have another birthday pressie

my mum told me she checked my number (s) and i had won ?50, just gotta go through the process of changing the details :( :( :( :(

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wot realy pleased me was the look on mbgu(adams) face when he could buy 2 tractor from uts stand today (dont mention dicount ok boys)

and also the barret boys to their faces just seem to light up  and also to see most of you lot as well

Ditto Steve - the kids were brilliant - and I have Adam's tractor pic up on my office wall already :)

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please remove such posts, our partners may see this >:( >:(>:( >:(.............. :D :D

F-B you had to remove this topic. My lady has read this topic and she wants also flowers from my. I said to here no problem but each time when i buy some flowers for you i want from you some nice farmtoys. The only thing i got from here was this face >:( >:(>:( >:(

I don't understand women ??? ???


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just tell them what I tell my otherhalf if flowers are ment to say I love you then it's not saying much when they die a couple of days later :D :D

You're missing the point Sweetie... the fact that you would spend all that money on something that will only be around for a couple of days says a zillion 'I love yous'  :-*

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