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do you actually need a provisional or just do the test  :-\

you need to apply for a provisional lisence before you go on any test rich.

where abouts are you operating luke as will keep an eye out for you on me travels  :)

although , unlike the 8wheeler i don't get up around exmoor much with the artic  ::)

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do you actually need a provisional or just do the test  :-\

Yes, but you'll need that for when you learn to drive a car anyway, so it isn'y wasted. Won't expire either as you can learn to drive on your tractor license. :);) ;)

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you need to apply for a provisional lisence before you go on any test rich.

where abouts are you operating luke as will keep an eye out for you on me travels  :)

although , unlike the 8wheeler i don't get up around exmoor much with the artic  ::)

All over Exmoor at present, done Lynton & Lynmouth today, been Goodleigh, Umberleigh, Clapworthy Mill on the Crediton road, and today a remote Exmoor village called Brendon. And it was snowing, pictures to prove!

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Great pics luke.

That last picture reminds me of when i went skiing last year the ski rooute was exactly like that road, apart form it was snowy and the trees were evergreen.

Brought back some good memorys there luke, Thanks

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All over Exmoor at present, done Lynton & Lynmouth today, been Goodleigh, Umberleigh, Clapworthy Mill on the Crediton road, and today a remote Exmoor village called Brendon. And it was snowing, pictures to prove!

ah , still get out around goodleigh & umberleigh way sometimes , been ages since i went through crediton though,  still do a few round south molton but not many , artics too big for the farms , still have a regular run from s.molten down through the mole valley & on the other side oif the road , up to ilfracombe & paracombe

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slippery roads lad?,one of our fellas was takin a load of silage from the top farm to the bottom 1 day there in the 6290 and 12ton kane dump trailer,u go down a real steep hill to the low yard just beside dundonald outer belfast he hit black ice just at the top of the hill sum craic just lucky he found a dry bit otherwise he miteve ended up in a house  :o

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Great pics luke.

That last picture reminds me of when i went skiing last year the ski rooute was exactly like that road, apart form it was snowy and the trees were evergreen.

Brought back some good memorys there luke, Thanks

Thanks Kris  :)

nice pics luke, so the deere pulls the dump trailer no problem? what exactly are you dumping off with the trailer??

im sure getting some things sorted at home will help you at your work more, im sure that's a load off your mind :)

6320 handles it well, it is opened up on the fuel pump though, around 110hp she is! We're working with the council scratching up all the mud from the sides of the road.

Great snowy, scenic shot Powersnow  ::):D  We didn't get any of that up here  :(

Your welcome to come down Tris next and come sledging  ;):D

ah , still get out around goodleigh & umberleigh way sometimes , been ages since i went through crediton though,  still do a few round south molton but not many , artics too big for the farms , still have a regular run from s.molten down through the mole valley & on the other side oif the road , up to ilfracombe & paracombe

Might see you out and about soon then! Let us know when your next down this way.

Like the snowy pics mate........Lasted twenty minutes up here but didn't lie........ :-\ :'( :D;)

Thanks Mart!

will be sending away for it soon then  :-\ :)

Don't discuss your courier actions on my thread please  :D :D

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Got a matchbox for you!  :D

Eh, now come on mate . .. A polystyrene Fig tray maybe but a match box?!! That's just flipping mean. ... What, you mean you'll take the matches out first? Oh yeah that's fine mate!!  :D :D :D

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aww sorry to see that luke , is it because of yer age they give you the rubbish to drive ?

still things will soon be looking up when you get yer deutz  ;):D :D :D

Listen to your cheek.

I only drive the New Holland occasioanally, I'll have the Deutz for a week because all the drivers in the yard are having it for a week to see how it compares.

And my main tractor is a JD 6520. Bring on summer, and i'll agree, things will be lookin up!

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