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Advice please for Marky...

Lord Ferguson

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Firstly... thanks all for the advice... this is just what I need...

John... Jason... the maxium weight quoted in the book for drawbar "in" - (bearing in mind I am using an autohitch)... is quoted at ...

1000kgf ??? OR 2205lbf ???

Is that just 1T then.... whats kgf mean ???

That sounds like 1 tonne Mark.

I would be dubious about using her for this job, but not being an experienced farmer/tractor operator what do I know!  :D :D :D

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That sounds like 1 tonne Mark.

I would be dubious about using her for this job, but not being an experienced farmer/tractor operator what do I know!  :D :D :D

You've got a better idea than me mate I am sure... Looks like its the Warwick then... remove the sides... and build a tank on it  :-\
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How far are you hauling too and how often

Brakes would be a must but you could getaway with using the spool valve if not going far

And how much oil the backend you could fill her right up

35 ltrs in the back end Stevo... will be taking her about 4 miles full... 4 miles empty every trip...
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You need a bigger tractor for either of those trailers I would imagine Marky, Even with a 10 ton tractor on a 14 ton trailer i've had the back wheels lift off the ground when stuff hangs up in it, its one of those ass nipping moments. If that were to happen with Fanny, I think you could have a nasty accident on your hands :-\

Never believe what a dealer says on oil capacity either as I don't think Fanny would tip that dump trailer to the top myself :-\

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You need a bigger tractor for either of those trailers I would imagine Marky, Even with a 10 ton tractor on a 14 ton trailer i've had the back wheels lift off the ground when stuff hangs up in it, its one of those ass nipping moments. If that were to happen with Fanny, I think you could have a nasty accident on your hands :-\

Never believe what a dealer says on oil capacity either as I don't think Fanny would tip that dump trailer to the top myself :-\

:o :o :o - Oh no... thanks Gavvers... do you think the little 4t warwick is too big for her then mate  :o

Did I ever send you any pictures of the Interceptor skips I have Mark after we talked about this last year??  :-\

I remember talking about them... but not seeing a pic mate... can you pop one up when you get 5 mins please  :)
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I would question whether you need a trailer at all.

used to be involved with drilling mud - fun stuff, similar problems, it can even explode!!

What you need is some kind of seperator or vortex where there is a pressure and flow diffferential - like a Dyson in reverse.  The starch settles out on the slow path but on a continuous flow.

Then i came across this...



but then no trailer to play with...


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Firstly... thanks all for the advice... this is just what I need...

John... Jason... the maxium weight quoted in the book for drawbar "in" - (bearing in mind I am using an autohitch)... is quoted at ...

1000kgf ??? OR 2205lbf ???

Is that just 1T then.... whats kgf mean ???

kilogram force....still equals 1t. I reckon that trailer would be way over Fanny's axle limit even if only half full.  :(

I think auto trailer brakes are legal requirement if over 3t (?)

If you were building your own tank, you could maybe slope the base to the rear so that sludge build of was greatest there....only thing is, how're you going to open the tank to tip it?

Probably numptyable, but would a little slurry tanker convert to the job?  :)

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:o :o :o - Oh no... thanks Gavvers... do you think the little 4t warwick is too big for her then mate  :o

I'd say it would be fine if whatever you used it for was free flowing when tipped but if you know its going to hang up in the trailer then its a different matter, with her being 2wd if your back wheels do lift up you are going to have problems moving forward to get the weight to come off the trailer

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Thanks Steve... the "big boys" in my game use a screw press affair... but they are WAAAAAY out of my price range... as would one of those vortex thingys be... also... Starch is highly corosive and abrasive... most people use a "peristaltic" pump to move it around (no contact with the product) (like a blood pump affair).... I use a worm a stator pump... and usually burn one out within 3 months... thats working the pump at it's lowest possible rotation  :o


If I could make a slury tanker tip I would be laughing... you can't blow it out as it's so soild when it's settled  :-\ - can you buy a tipping slurry tanker off the shelf  ???

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I'd say it would be fine if whatever you used it for was free flowing when tipped but if you know its going to hang up in the trailer then its a different matter, with her being 2wd if your back wheels do lift up you are going to have problems moving forward to get the weight to come off the trailer

I see Gav... makes sense... and it will stick - I have no doubt about that... It will slide out - probably before it's right up... they told me the dump trailer was more stable when tipped... as the pivot point is very near the axle  :-\ - true ???
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Thanks Steve... the "big boys" in my game use a screw press affair... but they are WAAAAAY out of my price range... as would one of those vortex thingys be... also... Starch is highly corosive and abrasive... most people use a "peristaltic" pump to move it around (no contact with the product) (like a blood pump affair).... I use a worm a stator pump... and usually burn one out within 3 months... thats working the pump at it's lowest possible rotation  :o


If I could make a slury tanker tip I would be laughing... you can't blow it out as it's so soild when it's settled  :-\ - can you buy a tipping slurry tanker off the shelf  ???

You could soon mount one on a tipping chassis.

I have a 1000 gallon whale tank with fully opening rear door sat at the back of one of my yards Mark, fitted with a tipping ram and the works, I saved it for a machine I was planning on building with a vacuum plant on the back of a lorry.

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You could soon mount one on a tipping chassis.

I have a 1000 gallon whale tank with fully opening rear door sat at the back of one of my yards Mark, fitted with a tipping ram and the works, I saved it for a machine I was planning on building with a vacuum plant on the back of a lorry.

Whats a "whale tank" Jason.. sounds intersting though  :-\
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i  know a company that could make wot you require marky near me in sevenoaks and you whent all the way to surry a didnt come see me  :'(

:-[ sorry taz  :'( I'd like the contact details if you could forward them to me it would be great mate please...

if you have a tipping slurry tanker though marky, wont that bring you back to the same probs with reguards fannys limits, a tanker is afterall a fair old bit of weight just for a tank as they are thicker metal ect, without load inside

Thats true Sean... I wonder if a large fast two bowser could be put on a tipping chassis..... thats a thought  :-\
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Interceptor skip

second one down, similar to mine and they are watertight with a sealing door.


This is what I use them with;


Whale tank

This is a 4,000 gallon non tipping barrel but it gives you the idea what they are like, notice the hand wheels on the back to open the rear door..... made for the job of loading and transporting liquids and sludges.  ;)


EDIT: A 1000 gallon barrel will weigh about 1.5 tonnes at a guess + the weight of a chassis it would weigh less than the dump trailer does I would think.

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Ummm... thanks Jason... I like the sound of a tipping whale tank... I wonder how heavy it would be full up  :-\

I reckon those skips would be good... but it would cost me a small ofrtune to have taken away I think  :-\ I wanna be self sufficient on the emptying if I can... well... its a necessity really..  :-\ - peeling is such a low value... low profit business... waste costs can make the difference from making money to loosing it hand over first  :-\

it may sound stupid but what about making an ejecter trailer like the have for silage and maize  :-\ but make it within fanny's limits  ;):)

Not daft at all Rich.... probably be a bit expensive to build... I've not got a lot of omney to throw at this really  :-\

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Ummm... thanks Jason... I like the sound of a tipping whale tank... I wonder how heavy it would be full up  :-\

I reckon those skips would be good... but it would cost me a small ofrtune to have taken away I think  :-\ I wanna be self sufficient on the emptying if I can... well... its a necessity really..  :-\ - peeling is such a low value... low profit business... waste costs can make the difference from making money to loosing it hand over first  :-\

Not daft at all Rich.... probably be a bit expensive to build... I've not got a lot of omney to throw at this really  :-\

Not sure how much Starch weighs Mark but rule of thumb for wet/suspended solids I work on 1.5 tonne per m6/240 gal to be on the safe side, water weighs 1 tonne per m6/240 gal

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