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A few close up & personal pics of the UH Power Major... in 1:32

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Now look what you have made me go and do  >:(:D :D :D

It's quite some model actually... sooooo glad I bought 100 of the darn things... er.... not...

Anyway... have a look... I am well impressed actually.. not my scene as you know... but a cracking model none-the-less..

I assume this only come in this style box  ???


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Marky Ferguson the III that looks  :o :o :o :o  They certainly manage to cram in the details.

As usual a little of the Marky humour thrown in as well.

Would you have me any other way Scott  :D :D :D

Seriously... thats a "standard match" if there is such a thing... quite some detail for such a small model...  :o

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Nice looking model, very well detailed, is it just me or doesnt the bonnet fit correctly and the front wheels are on a angle not straight?

I don't think any of the bonnets are 100%, mine certainly isn't. The steering has a lot of movement at the steering wheel and the front wheels move independently on mine; but I'm hoping that tightening the screws on the stub axles will overcome the problem.

    Not really a carpet farm model, but a beautiful model all the same. At seventeen quid including postage, they are still fantastic value for the money.  ;):)

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For a 1/32 sclae model the detail looks good, but things like the hood and front grill do look a little rough around the edges so to speak...... a bit more work on the part of the pattern maker would have cracked those slight mis-fits.  :)

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It must be common on all of these as the bonnet panels do'nt quite sit down level on the ones I have either. Another very minor point I can see is that the drop or down-arms on the rear linkage bend a bit in the up position but staighten when down but I can't see that any of us will actually play with them. Still an exellent model and I think they will be very popular. Shall look forward to seeing what others U.H will release in this scale.

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