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tractors i've used & abused in the past !


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had a wee look through your album, real interesting pictures you have collected.

what did you think of the fendt 615 to drive? beast? :P

and dont you hate driving the tractor into the slurry lagoon! we had the merlo in the lagoon to fix one of the automatic scrapers ::)

:) :)

thanks mate liked going through those again

612's was a great tractor, as was the 611's the pictures there show them on road work , but i only did that when it was too wet for injecting, otherwise i'd be on field work with a 5 leg shakerator on the back of the tank modified for sludge injection , i used to inject raw sewage & slaughterhouse waste, illegal now but used to do quite a lot back in the day, wasn't a nice job unblocking the pipes when offal got wedged in them  :-\

as for the deutz in the lagoon, it wasn't very often they did that , usually had a bray B5000 for that but nobody really liked driving it , so the 4.70 drew the short straw :D

my era those pictures, love them all

proper tractors bob !

Loved looking through them Marcus, a proper blast from the past. Who did all the 7010 series Deere's belong too? And great to see the 6800 & 6400? Silaging with the Norton trailers!

Thanks for posting  :)

the 7710's were at a farm near dorchester luke , upcerne estate. 2000 acres of cereals & 500 acres of woodland & some real evil slopes on chalk & flint brash, also had a few pictures of the combines & the county 1004 but cant find those , i must have them about somewhere ?

the 69 & 64 silageing was a good shot , i do like that one  :) the noton trailers were on oversize tyres & were great to pull as they were on a wider track width than the marstons  & would follow the tractor round corners flat out whereas the marstons were weaving all over the place

Neat pictures Marcus,love the good old pictures. :)

digital camera's are great Ol, delete what you want & are instant & cheap , but the proper film camera adds that bit of extra character to the scene

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Great pictures, yes today we're spoilt with digital cameras. What's the name on the side of the Claas selfpropelled?

they were called WILLS PARTNERS from yeovil marsh / ilchester area. don't think they're contractors anymore , they had quite a big farm & utilised the kit they had. they first ran 120hp SAME tractors then moved to JD 6800's  not sure what happened to them , but it was two brothers , i think one took the family farm on & the other went as a head driver on another farm , last time i saw martin wills he was driving a fendt 612 for another farmer

Great pictures, it is always good to see the older stuff  8)


always , i'm familliar with machinery like this , went for a ride round in a few fendts the other day , i think i'd get used to it , but i felt quite left behind by the ammount of technology used

Lovely pictures Marcus  ;), i prefer to see the pictures like that.. gives it a more realistic feel i think  :)

deffinately low tech stuff mate , from a time when the drivers didn't need a phd to drive them  :D

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agreed, some real first class pictures in there - thanks  :)

I dont know how i mist this topic  :-[ but those pictures are great mate ;)

thanks richard & johny :)

brilliant collection  :o no doubt runs with good memorys ???. Thanks for shareing ;)

very much so mate , always have a smile when i see them , although , some are harder to remember where & when the pics were taken in the first place  :D:-\

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