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They're ace Mark, such characters for just 13wks. The first two nights the carpet was like a marble board and the hoover sounded like a baby rattle :D But by the second night they were at least peeing in the litter tray. Last night they didn't leave as many pressies, must be a settling in thing.

They have an indoor cage to stay in at night and when Traci is at work.

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Well seeing as tris has got some Giant   :D Dwarf Lop eared rabbits I may aswell post mine up....


Eccles, boy, white holland lop.

and Pancakes, lady, brown dwarf lop eared rabbit.

They live in my garage and help me with my conversion ands scratch builds:




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All you bunny owners.... I dunno, I thought you were men's men you two!

Having said that, as a kid we used to have an English Dwarf Lop, went by the name of Humphrey.

He turned into a right nasty little swine in the end, wouldn't let you go near him, would bite you if you stroked him and if you picked him up he'd kick the wind out of you with those ruddy great big hind legs.... You want to look out for them Tris, he'll kick you into the next county....  ;)

Ahhhhh.... happy days.....  :-\

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Well Jez is a Mans man, we all know that since his Brokeback Mountain episode :D:P

What wieght and age are Pancakes and Eccles Jez?

Yeah they are ace Mark, so amusing. Griffin is the mischevious one, he has had the fircones out of the bowl, the vase of dried flowers over. . there is more to come from him! The only way you can tell them apart is Griffin is a touch lighter and has white feet. Smokey is the guard, he thumps when the frieght trains pull up Upton Bank. I love'm! --*

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Well Jez is a Mans man, we all know that since his Brokeback Mountain episode :D:P

What wieght and age are Pancakes and Eccles Jez?

Yeah they are ace Mark, so amusing. Griffin is the mischevious one, he has had the fircones out of the bowl, the vase of dried flowers over. . there is more to come from him! The only way you can tell them apart is Griffin is a touch lighter and has white feet. Smokey is the guard, he thumps when the frieght trains pull up Upton Bank. I love'm! --*

Pancakes is about one and a half mate and normal weight..... and eccles is nearly three.......

It is nice to see you bought two. Rabbtis are happiest in pairs.

Eccles is the soft one, he sits inside and is happy to be picked up etc, pancakes is the one who escapes and diggs chuffing great holes in the garden. Oh, and she gets mighty grumpy if you pic eccles up and she is sat on her own.

Make sure you feed them pellets mate and not mix. Oh an as much hay as they want.

It is hard to believe how much you can train them but mine come and sit in my lap when they want feeding and you can train them to only use one place for the toilet.

Any way, as tris says, cowboy, grrrrrr, beer drinking, broke back......... hang on little man!!! I still have your trucks!!!!  :D :D

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Pancakes is about one and a half mate and normal weight..... and eccles is nearly three.......

It is nice to see you bought two. Rabbtis are happiest in pairs.

Eccles is the soft one, he sits inside and is happy to be picked up etc, pancakes is the one who escapes and diggs chuffing great holes in the garden. Oh, and she gets mighty grumpy if you pic eccles up and she is sat on her own.

Make sure you feed them pellets mate and not mix. Oh an as much hay as they want.

It is hard to believe how much you can train them but mine come and sit in my lap when they want feeding and you can train them to only use one place for the toilet.

Any way, as tris says, cowboy, grrrrrr, beer drinking, broke back......... hang on little man!!! I still have your trucks!!!!  :D :D

Aggghhhhhh!!! My trucks!!!  :o :o

Yeah we got pellets for them and hay. In the evening they get some fruit or veg and we have a mineral stone and gnawing blocks for them to chew on aswell as some of those balls made out of wheat and maize stalks. Not that they last very long with these little bu66ers mind!! They don't make too much of a fuss with us just yet but if we go towards them they don't seem to mind. I was nose to nose with Griffin last night. Bit more handling of them over the next few weeks and they may become lap warmers yet!! They arn't too sure about being picked up at the moment although they are ok once you have hold of them.

Ad, I'd still shoot wild ones mate. They're different, like other peoples kids. You're allowed to shoot them. ...  :D :D :D :D :D

(The view expressed is in no way the view of Farmtoysforum.com and it's affilliated companies and partners, the government, police, social services, welfare departments, gun licencing authorities, trading standards, HSE or Primark.)

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Umm, im not against shooting as such. Cant see it as a sport  and i think is a bit silly to shoot for no reason but thats just my thoughts. . If there are lots about then okay they are pests. Or for food.

What i do say is wrong is the big shoots where they shoot all day and have no use for them, then  dig a whole and stuff it full of 300plus phesants. What a waste, at least sell them or eat them. ::) ::)

Guys any shooters on here who do it for sport then its up to you, im not going to hold it against you, each to there own is what i say ;):) :) :)

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They're ace Mark, such characters for just 13wks. The first two nights the carpet was like a marble board and the hoover sounded like a baby rattle :D But by the second night they were at least peeing in the litter tray. Last night they didn't leave as many pressies, must be a settling in thing.

They have an indoor cage to stay in at night and when Traci is at work.

They will be fine in no time tris, My other half has had quite a few and they are easily trained.  ;)

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Cheers Jase, that's good to know. Traci gets fustrated with things quite easily. These two brothers have right scraps at least once a day but when they go to the scalpel that should stop shouldn't it?

It will buddy yes.

Ph, by the way, if you pick them up and turn them on their backs they will go into a daze and be completely still.

Carefull if they kick though, apparently a rabbit can break it's spine by kicking wildly.

A PM is on it's way..........

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  • 2 months later...

Griffin enjoying a box of cereal, quite literally.  ::):D:-*

Not sure what we are going to do with these now. Both have had their nads lopped off now and have stopped spraying everywhere but ever since then, Smokey has been a bit of a bully to Griffin.... One may have to go so we can tame the other better and bring a spayed female in later on in the year. We'll see. Just keeping an eye on them for the time being.

(One pair speaker wires, three phone chargers, two light lead, one goldfish bowel pump wire, every bit of beading on the sofas, every table leg. .. .  all succumb to the teeth of these two in the end!)


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Griffin enjoying a box of cereal, quite literally.  ::):D:-*

Not sure what we are going to do with these now. Both have had their nads lopped off now and have stopped spraying everywhere but ever since then, Smokey has been a bit of a bully to Griffin.... One may have to go so we can tame the other better and bring a spayed female in later on in the year. We'll see. Just keeping an eye on them for the time being.

(One pair speaker wires, three phone chargers, two light lead, one goldfish bowel pump wire, every bit of beading on the sofas, every table leg. .. .  all succumb to the teeth of these two in the end!)

Beware of cute bunnies............ I ended up in hospital one night and had seven stitches in my nose after breaching "Rabbit Protocol" I had two males that would have happily killed each other had they got together.

    Both were very gentle bunnies and quite affectionate. One "Scented" my nose by rubbing his chin on it as they do. I then went to see my other buck and made a fuss of him. He seemed very interested in my nose and sniffed it intently before latching on to the bridge like a ferret. I stood up in shock and he was still hanging on my nose till the skin gave way and he dropped off.

    I had to go to hospital about 10pm as I had this flap of skin which didn't want to stop oozing blood.

The doctor asked me what happened............. so I told him. After I'd told him the second time he roared with laughter and said "I wont be a minute" and disappeared out of the door. A few minutes later he came in with two nurses who all stood in the doorway and laughingly told them, "See this chap.......... he's been savaged by a rabbit", whereupon they all stood there laughing at me. Bu**ers!!! I had an adrenalin injection inside the wound and **** did that hurt.

      My "Savage" bunny lived the longest of all my rabbits and died not long after his twelfth birthday. He just went downhill a couple of days before he died, and died fairly peacefully along side of me.  :'(

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:D :D Will, that's a good warning for Tris... be more than a cut nose though if he squared up to one of them, look like 10 rounds with Tyson I expect :D :D

It would be like that time he fell out the hole in traci's pocket mate and landed on that angry snail.... poor little guy he was black and blue

and slimy.....

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