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yeah thanks JC you dont now how close you are to someone unto you lose them  :( i think everyone is getting over it slowly, of what i heard the lad driving was doing 110 mph and was drinking, he hit a dry stone pillar then the engine came out the car and the car went 200ft down the road  :-\

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yeah thanks JC you dont now how close you are to someone unto you lose them  :( i think everyone is getting over it slowly, of what i heard the lad driving was doing 110 mph and was drinking, he hit a dry stone pillar then the engine came out the car and the car went 200ft down the road  :-\

ouch that must of been a really really painful murray a few words

stay strong and keep your head up

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found out today that  a guy i have known for 20 years at work, ,taught me when i first joined had a huge stroke friday at work, got air ambulanced to hospital and had emergency 8 hr brain surgery friday night into early saturday morn,has deff got perminate brain damage and at present its only a 30 %  chance he will make it full stop, not one person at work can ever remember him being sick, he never got stresses, and was as fit as a fiddel playing squash and cricket ,just no reason for it

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Finding out my uncle has cancer, hes about 55, 3 daughters.. 18 months old, 5 and 9. Such a shock to everyone  :'(, as he went downhill so quick, we went to visit and he seemed happy enough then all of a sudden he just went down really fast  :-[ doctors dont reckon he's got much longer.  :-\ doesn't look at all healthy at 5'9 and 7 stone 3, he was always fit and active. But why does it happen....  :'(

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Finding out my uncle has cancer,...

...  But why does it happen....  :'(

Good question? One that I asked when I was told my husband had incurable cancer. Perhaps the answer is the old adage "only those the gods love..."

Just be there for him and try to keep smiling.  Not easy but try.

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Good question? One that I asked when I was told my husband had incurable cancer. Perhaps the answer is the old adage "only those the gods love..."

Just be there for him and try to keep smiling.  Not easy but try.

I just think of the good times and the laughs we've had  :), Means a lot Sue thanks  ;)

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sorry to hear that rhys,

as for me the guy at work is still in itc, so far 4 attempts  with him to allow him to breath ect without the machines, no joy, not looking good, hes now in a normal coma not a drug induced one, with the same effects,dont think hes gonna make it to be honest

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