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Johny MF's MF165 (work in my garden)

Johny mf

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  • 3 months later...

well it has been a few months that i posted here but today i had a nice drive whit Sandy.

Had to take a load of sand on my tipper (normaly the tipper stand by an uncle of mine but i am still the owner!)

Made some photo´s of the combination . :D

Also i have made some photo´s underway to the IHF in Panningen a couple of weeks ago!

The mirors are now standing on it because i had them for the livingwagon i have but whit 2 boulds they can be taken off!






more to come in a minute!

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The last photo of the combination today!


The first photo is taken when i´d go to the KLW show a few months ago a bit dreamy

  Also the orange flowers on the miror because the Dutch team had to play to Brasil that day at the World Championchip footbal!



On the way back to home




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thanks for the update & pictures johnny , i always enjoy them & look forward to the next ! :)

Same here...

What a combination Johnny... I'd love to go touring around mainland Europe with the living van mate as well.  The trailer also looks nice mate - does it hold about 5t of sand when it's heaped up ???

As for the axle... I guess Beauvais must have been building dry braked 212 engine machines for some period at the changeover  :-\  .. at least you won't be clogging up your backend oil strainer with brake disc muck which is what happens on the wet braked backends  :-\ ;)

Thanks for the update... and don't leave it for so long next time please  ;):P:-*

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Thanks for the reply´s lads!

I wil try to do more whit her so i can make some photo´s :P

I must say it is realy fun to go to shows whit the living wagon and to meet people that ar interested in old tractors like me ;)

Mark: the tipper can take  4,5t ;) but some times i load more indeed :-[

Owh Forgot: The white tent you see in the back is my new purchase so i can put Sandy nice under it!

Much better then standing half outside!

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  • 8 months later...

Well a lott hapend the last weeks whit Sandy.

She neede surgery and the doctor how did it where me!

She is stil not together because today i did the last part.

She neede new brake´s and there where some problems whit that.

The oilring where broken that where verry nasty!

Only thook photo´s when i puted the new parts in because of all the crease on my hands!

here are the first bunch

Here are the mudguards of and the wheel and i already had thook the bolds loosetratorreparatie021.jpg

Then it came lose


This is the brake (don´t know tecnical English :-[ ) after i had give it a good clean this where so rusted that it had´nt movement in it!



The axle where also a bit rusted so i cleaned it up to whit sandpaper and an ironhare brusch


A look inside to some major parts from the rear axle


More to come

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And now the other side not that much work as the sid i already have done

These photo´s are from today not that many as the first bunch

Here are the brake discs already instaled and i am almost ready to put the trumpet back after i fit the gascet


Last photo


Tomorow i am going to place the rearfender back and the wheel after i fitted the new rear lights i bought and my new plouging lamp! :D

Trying to get her back in the original state more and more step by step :D

Hope you guy´s find it interesting these photo´s normaly i don´t do this myself but my friend whit the 188´s said to me a that is no problem you can do it youre self in my work shop so if you get stuck whit this i help you out!

Had to ask 2 time´s and he said to me here is the workshop manual and i founded out myself! :D

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Thanks lads

I wanted to finish the job today but in the shed where i do this work is from a friend of me and he said to me today we don't work on Sandy today we go to a Oldtimer tractor show so we did and no work spend on Sandy!

Next Saturday i am going to finish the job hopefully because my garden needs some work and Sandy needs to do some jobs ;D

But when i do that work whit Sandy i make some photo's for you lads!

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Yes please Johnny.. very interesting to see what Sandy and you are getting up to mate.

You've also got an interesting seat on Sandy... we had that in England as an option (I think... could have been standard) on the MF175.. although I think ours had cream/tan coloured coverings  :-\  .. it's kind of an early float-o-matic seat

I assume you have no brakes on the living van then mate ??? .. do you think this has contributed to Sandy's brake problems ???. Not many hills in Holland mind you  :D :D :D

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Indeed Mark no brake's on the living wagon but i think the brake's where bad for quite some time and now i had decided to doing something about that!

The tractor brake's did their work but lateley they did'nt got loose verry well.

Also on the left side the oilbearing was broken so there was some oil on the brake :of

About the seat it is the deluxe spring seat and over here in Holland it where also an option.

When i bought the tractor this seat was in verry bad shape whit no leather on it.

So i had give it an overhaul.

And this seat is a real comfort for driving her and verry glad it is on!

I also like the model of the seat and you can buy some times the cheaper univerals black version but i don't like the look of them!

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  • 1 month later...

Well Sandy is finaly back home (picked herr up last sunday :D )

I had made some photo´s before she where finished but that are realy nice one´s!

Here the reflector lights aren´t on but they are instaled!

I did modify them that they are now brake lights!

I had the problem whit the original lights that it is American style so the turning light is conected whit the brake light!

So i needed to place an extra brakelight´s on the fenders.

This was something i didnt like to place a not so nice extra lamp so i came up whit the idea of making them in the reflectors!

If i have time tomorow i post picture´s of them!

So here some nice photo´s of Sandy while she is at the place where i did all the work.





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2nd bunch of photo´s!




And then finaly a photo of her nice bumm whit the new ploughing light and the original backlights!

This looks more authentick!


Hope you like her more now?

I want to do the paint work again in a few years if i have build a shed on my property that she can stand under a roof!

When i where on vacation a while back the tent she stood under where blown away by a big storm :'(

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Thanks MJB for the reply.

I am glad you enjoy whit looking at these picture´s!

I shall look for you to take the photo´s of the rearlights when i feel a bit better at the moment my healt is not so good.

Greetings Johny ;)

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