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Great day with unlucky ending: farming action near Neuss, 2008-04-20

Richard de Florennes

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Great pictures, i do have one qustion in the last few pictures i see a 5 row planter, i asume he is planting sugerbeets why a 5 row machine, in this area they use 6, 12 or 18 row units so they can harvest 3, 6 or 9 rows at the time. and i should mention on 50 centimeter spacing.


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well and then made the mistake to stop again at this field on my way back home, just two miles from home, after meeting dozens of friendly farmers that day and I gues more than 100 since my last dangerous confrontation last December: Just to see the beet drill operating alongside the other John Deere a stopped, parked my car a yard away from this field as always in order not to hinder farming operations and stayes on the public way, when this guy  yelled "go away you f..ing a...hole" and then contuning driving towards me until the front mounted cultivator almost touched my stomach.

Normally I would have gone away, but I was so shocked by his words and the unneccary wide tunring radius of the tractor that I just could not move. Then the driver jumped off shouted at me all over again all kinds of evil words, saysing that I was doing "bullsh..." and nonsens, enjoying a nice Sunday, while he had to work, that I had no rigth to use 'his' way, no right to take pictures of anything without asking and so on. I sayed that I could easily remove the pictures, but althouigh I even inveted him to get a a few pics for free and that I am an farming enhusiast and could easily understand that he was under time pressure and that It was not my intention to stop him from work, and saying sorry all over again but insisting that he should excuse for his words towards me he become more and more angry until really talkinbg about using physical fore and so on.

Well I drove back home really crying and having a nervous breakdown until taking a cold shower, but could almost not sleep that night, and everytime looking at any farm pictures or my 1:32 dioramas I remember of that scene and of that event closing an userwise beautyful farming tour and the first real spring day that year ... Sorry for pittying myself but I am maybe too sensitive for standing that kind of experience ...



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Great pictures, i do have one qustion in the last few pictures i see a 5 row planter, i asume he is planting sugerbeets why a 5 row machine, in this area they use 6, 12 or 18 row units so they can harvest 3, 6 or 9 rows at the time. and i should mention on 50 centimeter spacing.


it is a 30 year old-planter, from a time when there were only 1-row-harvesters in our area, so no problem for flexibility of harvesting systems. Most farmers over here however use either 6 or 12 row planters. There are also a few 8-row planter as illustrated in some of my pictures only allowing for single- or dual-row harvesting, as four and eight-row harvesters are virtually non-existant in our area.

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Well I drove back home really crying and having a nervous breakdown until taking a cold shower, but could almost not sleep that night, and everytime looking at any farm pictures or my 1:32 dioramas I remember of that scene and of that event closing an userwise beautyful farming tour and the first real spring day that year ... Sorry for pittying myself but I am maybe too sensitive for standing that kind of experience ...

Put it down to IGNORANCE (capitals are justified).  All the tractor drivers I know are only too pleased to be photographed!

Great Pictures.

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Put it down to IGNORANCE (capitals are justified).  All the tractor drivers I know are only too pleased to be photographed!

Great Pictures.

I personaly hate pics of me, BUT if im in a tractor i love people taking pics of it/me, There is allways one driver that ruins it for you mate, it realy does put you of, but its like when you were a kid and learing to ride a bike, you fall of you just get back one ;)

You have some stunning pics as normal sacha (spelling?) they are so clear and shap, top work

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it is a 30 year old-planter, from a time when there were only 1-row-harvesters in our area, so no problem for flexibility of harvesting systems. Most farmers over here however use either 6 or 12 row planters. There are also a few 8-row planter as illustrated in some of my pictures only allowing for single- or dual-row harvesting, as four and eight-row harvesters are virtually non-existant in our area.

Thank you for that explanation, i thought it would be somthing like that.

Great pictures anyway, keep up the good work, dont let one angry farmer get you down, like the guy's one here say

most farmers are pleased when you take pictures off there tractors at work, next time you see that old John Deere with the loader just eagnore him, and make another picture off that International with the big smoke cloud.


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thanks for the positive feedback - that's what I needed to read. Will think of it next time. And of course, it is me labil psychologic state which makes me to get some positive feedback in this forum from guys never seen in real life, so in order to experience at least SOME success ;-) Good for you - that's why I have to post pictures of almost every implement I see on my tours :-)

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well and then made the mistake to stop again at this field on my way back home, just two miles from home, after meeting dozens of friendly farmers that day and I gues more than 100 since my last dangerous confrontation last December: Just to see the beet drill operating alongside the other John Deere a stopped, parked my car a yard away from this field as always in order not to hinder farming operations and stayes on the public way, when this guy  yelled "go away you f..ing a...hole" and then contuning driving towards me until the front mounted cultivator almost touched my stomach.

Normally I would have gone away, but I was so shocked by his words and the unneccary wide tunring radius of the tractor that I just could not move. Then the driver jumped off shouted at me all over again all kinds of evil words, saysing that I was doing "bullsh..." and nonsens, enjoying a nice Sunday, while he had to work, that I had no rigth to use 'his' way, no right to take pictures of anything without asking and so on. I sayed that I could easily remove the pictures, but althouigh I even inveted him to get a a few pics for free and that I am an farming enhusiast and could easily understand that he was under time pressure and that It was not my intention to stop him from work, and saying sorry all over again but insisting that he should excuse for his words towards me he become more and more angry until really talkinbg about using physical fore and so on.

Well I drove back home really crying and having a nervous breakdown until taking a cold shower, but could almost not sleep that night, and everytime looking at any farm pictures or my 1:32 dioramas I remember of that scene and of that event closing an userwise beautyful farming tour and the first real spring day that year ... Sorry for pittying myself but I am maybe too sensitive for standing that kind of experience ...

Almost crying :o

I would of walloped him one if it had been me.

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Almost crying :o

I would of walloped him one if it had been me.

I'd just like to say how sorry I am that your day was spoiled by a small minded ar**hole like the one you met. I can understand how you must have felt when you've been out doing something you really enjoy and get a totally unprovoked and extremely unpleasant reaction from someone with the number of brain cells that can be counted on one hand. It's a combination of having your day ruined, being totally humiliated, and suffering the shock of an unexpected reaction to your harmless past time. I really don't understand how anyone could be so nasty without reason. I could be curious in his position, as to who was photographing me, and why; but I would be polite about it, and even if you had trespassed on private property; there is no need to do anything more than point out your error politely. I would probably have been as upset as you, as I was always brought up to treat others as you would have them treat you.

      Words fail me as to what sort of person he is. Lets hope he hasn't had the chance to breed.  ???>:(

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Nice photos again mate, love the spreading pics. I always do with machines like Bergmann, Tebbe etc. Shame about Mr C*** though, the word fits I feel. If he saw your collection of photographs you have taken this past year maybe he would think differently, maybe though he would throw your camera to the ground so it is not even worth trying to be nice to him. He is the a-hole Sascha not you. Keep doing what you do.  :)

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