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Markies loaner.... check out this tired old lady.... MF2640 2wd...

Lord Ferguson

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You gotta love her... she's on her very last legs sadly... but nicer than the nasty old MXM case I have been borrowing of late...

Anyway.... a picture says a 1000 words... take a look at what I've currently got powering my baler (just until my new ride arrives)..



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Is that the one you kept looking at at Weatherheads, or was it different?? ???:-\ :-\ :-\ (had a different hitch didnt it?? ???)

i see it has the same rope feature as the MXM :D :D :D :D

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Final pic... The rust moths have ben busy on her sadly...


Remember... what this tractor was born she would have been a real big iece of kit... 80-81 - she's one of the first of the 2000 series.. she would have been someones pride and joy - alas now she's just about dead  :-\

RIP 2640 I say  :'( :'( :'(

Now get over here Holmes... and we'll go for a spin in a REAL tractor  ;D

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Is that the one you kept looking at at Weatherheads, or was it different?? ???:-\ :-\ :-\ (had a different hitch didnt it?? ???)

i see it has the same rope feature as the MXM :D :D :D :D

Nope.. that was a GOOD condition 2680 Ben...

cor shes an early one eh mate, old decal style mf stoneleight chassis

One of the first I reckon Sean
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when does she go back, should be able to at the weekend? ???:-\ ;D ;D

She'll be here over the weekend Ben  ;)

where is she destaind for scrap ?

I'm not sure where she is off to after I've finished with her...

must be mate, they only did that chassis colour for 1 year didnt they, then they went to the new colour and decals

Indeedy Sean... a first release model I reckon mate - I just hope I don;t fall in love with her  :-[ :'(

marky you seemed to have gave her a haircut on the hours :D :D :D :D

:D :D - and some I reckon  :D :D :D
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I have the good fortune of having seen dozens of 2000 series over the years at Howards yard and although they get some right stinkers aswell as some pure gems. ..  I have never seen a bonnet go like that  ??? Restoration project right there that is Mark. .. be shame to give her back. .. wouldn't it.. .. ..  ;)

Shame I missed out on a spin. I could see alot of smoke over Histon way and put it down to a bonfire but now I realise it was this old girl  :D

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:D :D - shame indeed Trissy... you know next time to just come over.. smoke... you have never seen nothing like it when she's cold... plenty of heat needed as well  :-[

yeah resto her mate, good spare tractor and possible cash back in a few years time,  they would prob throw her at you in that state, and with your skills she would be smart as

Way beyond my skills to put her back in action Sean... noit sure what parts are available now either  :-\
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how the gear box i heard there awfull

look quite nice over than the oldc age whats got to it better than a case any day

No problem at all Cerin... the gearbox is wonderful in my opinion...

She's soooo much better than the nasty, clonky, musical MXM  >:(:D :D

Did she come with a complimentary can of Easy Start too?

Not quite... but she's not far off I reckon Tris... if it was cold I don't hold out much hope without that or a nice chain  :D :D
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