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The adventures of Marky and Frankie the MF5445 - Born on 09.05.2008

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When to my HORROR... I discovered..... this...  :o :o >:( :'( :'( :'(


What can only be described as a blob wheelbarrow full of mud on her roof  :o :o

Yes Yes... I know what you are all thinking... how could I have let her get in that state  :-[

Needless to say Lumpy's first job at 5am tomorrow morning will be to get up there and get it off  :o :o :o

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How is it now with Mrs F after what you have said about the 2 loves in your life. ???

Now i see a close picture from the cab from Frankie, my question what music have you on? I guess KING OFF THE ROAD :D :D


I do indeed Bas... I have it on CD  ;D

As for Mrs F... she was speaking to me.. until I spent over £200 this week on MF brochures  :-[ :'( I can't seem to do a thing right these days  ;D:D :D

just had another look at the pic and yes its all over rusty red all over the bonet :D :D :D :D :D

Pwwwtthhhhhh  :P - that's QUALITY MF paint Steve  :-*:-*

marky you bet polish her up you cant be seen with mud on your ferguson  ::)

Indeed jcb... it will look like new again up there by tomorrow lunchtime  ;D:D :D

Damn it you noticed  >:(

Next time it'll be a brick  :D

I hope that's mud then Fruitimore  >:(:o :'(
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shocking marky, would have thought you would have cleaned up there no matter what

I've let the massive down there mate that's for sure  :'( :'( - I'll be on to the farmer who has my foodwaste tomorrow am as well.. boy he is going to get it big time  >:( >:(>:( - it can only be his mud  >:( >:(
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shocking marky, would have thought you would have cleaned up there no matter what

  Don't be silly Sean....

He is a "LORD" that is well beneath his powers to do a job of such little importance...

I will be suprised if Lumpy has not been called in on a Sunday afternoon to sort it now.

You wait until its removed and he sees the scratch marks  :D :D

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William (Britainswomble) was asking about my problem with starch disposal at work the other day... so I thought I pop up a brief description of our current waste setup for the peeling operation...

Now... we have a Hooooooge great peeling machine at work (known as Pammy the peeler).. This machine operates but 'grinding off' the skins (potatoes and carrots... oh... and swede) via 4 abrasive rollers and an auger (to move the product along the rotating rollers)... now the problem with mechanically peeling spuds is that we only get a 58% yield over the peeler... so... to put it simply... for every 1 tonne of spuds we peel we get 580kg or usable product... and hence 420kg or waste..

To move the waste (which is basically a pulp that resembles wet weetabix in looks and texture) we use water.  So... the system is... peel the skins off... wash it away from the rollers to avoid clogging and clear the waste away...

The next step is to get the sludge to the place we need it... and then take the water out... We use good old Mr Gravity as much as we can... so we first pump the sludge up to the top of the tower.. about 4m high at a guess and let gravity do the rest of the work (this stuff is highly abrasive and corrosive - it even east stainless steel if left for any length of time)... we use a worm and stator type pump on a very low speed which seems to give us the best longevity parts wise..

Time for a pic.. I can see you nodding off...

This is the top of the tower where the sludge is pumped to it's highest point..


Now.. the thing resembling a ski-slope is a wedgewire screen... we pump the sludge over it and it separates the solid from the water down to about 0.75mm - so that's most of the peelings and most of the soil (we often use dirty spuds for peeling)...

The semi dry cake falls into the trailer and drains of it's own accord the rest of the way..

The next problem (and the one I discussed with William) is what to do with the heavily starch laden water - now starch is a wonderful thing... if you let it stand still in water it will drop out over time... so the key to my system is to let the particles 'drop out' by standing the liquid still...

The tipping skip here (with the yellow cover on it) is full of starch laden water - it kind of works like a balancing lake really... it's got an overflow pipe that also vents to the trailer as well... the blue pipe is simply a service drain for when we want to let all the water out to work on the pipes etc.


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So... in short... because I am getting very boring now.. I've even bored myself...  :-[

We have soild sludge entering the trailer... as well as waste water... as we want a dry(ish) mix to transport (and to feed to the cattle)... we have 3 drains in the trailer... 2 on the slope of the tub... and one to the front... these vent off to the foul water drain.. what comes out resembles drinking water.. nice and clear... but I wouldn't recommend drinking it mind you...

Here is the front filter... simply a heavy mesh sheet slotted into the corner... you can see the water running off the other side...



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Here is the back two filters.. simple but effective... as the trailer fills.. the waste moves up the filter and always finds a 'new bit' to drain it off...


That big blue sausage is the chute from the wedgewire screen... you can see the screened sludge cake at the bottom of it...


That's it.. any questions.. fire away...

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No horses round your way then Marky more trouble than its worth though i guess  :-\ :-\ :-\ :o :o

Funny you should say that mate... one of the girls at work has just put an ad in the local shop... £1 per bag... no takers as yet mate... but it's only been in the window a few days so far..  :-\

We are in horsey central here as well...

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