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Recent Travels - Updated 23rd AUGUST


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I managed to find the CX820 again today, and took several (150+) photos ;D  It was nice to catch up with it in decent sun, previous photos being either quite distant or in the Evening light...anyway, hope you like them.

Firstly a couple of it at rest while the driver had gone off for dinner:



Now some of it at work, firstly coming down a rather steep hill:



Another coming down the hill, showing the Biso CX side knife



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Did a few more miles earlier, there wasn't that much to see but it wasn't a completely fruitless journey...there was even one wheat field that hadn't been cut.

Firstly I saw this old girl, exiled from the barn where she'd remained for the last few years :(


Another combine, a JD 1055 sitting in a field


I went to see what was in Contractor John Roberts' yard, and just before I got there I saw this JD drilling a few fields away:


Here's a view of the yard, not as full as it seems to be at times:


And in the field next to the yard, I believe owned by the firm, their old Ford 6600 was hedge trimming:


And finally, and rather distant, my first view of a New Holland CR combine:


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Did a few more miles earlier, there wasn't that much to see but it wasn't a completely fruitless journey...there was even one wheat field that hadn't been cut.

Firstly I saw this old girl, exiled from the barn where she'd remained for the last few years :(


Pour old fantastic girl(S950)She looks tired :-\ :-\

But i love that TX 65 mate she is perfect :D:)

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Thanks Fellas - It was nice to see the 6600 still going Mart, I can remember when it was new :o

Shame to see the Volvo out in the elements Peter...I still hope they might fix her up, or better still someone buys her for preservation

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Very nice pictures with old and new equipment.


That 820 gave some good pics on the banks there Joe. Nice job there. I like the view in to the yard too.

The old Ford with the hedgetrimmer could almost be replicated in 1.32 by our very own Tractorman810 ya know  ;)  8)

Thanks both...its nice to see some older stuff earning its keep still.

I went a bit overboard with the 820 pics, but it was great to do some proper combine watching, without rushing off to see what else is about.  I made a few clips of it too, though not sure where best to post them, don't really want to put them on youtube.  I was thinking along similar lines about the Ford and the hedgetrimmer that it'd translate nicely into model form.  I think I might have to get myself a Ford, I still haven't got one :-\

Might go out again tomorrow, there's a public footpath that goes near that CR, I wouldn't mind a few closer shots of that, even if its not at work.

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Joe,all you have to now is take all your combine pics and go to a publishing house for the making of FFF first combine book  :D :D :D;)

Well, I have always wondered about making a combine book you know, but I don't think my pictures are really up to it given the light conditions in a lot of them, and I've got so few older machines...but it would be nice to see a nice colour album solely devoted to combines. 

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I like the sound of that idea, and would be happy to help if I can!

In the mean time, another trip just completed and some more photos for you:

First stop AHM Lea's Lee Bridges farm, near Ellesmere and a sighting of their last working Laverda M120 in the barn:


And through a gap in the hedge I spied this SAME Tiger which has been here from new...(they also have/had a Deutz - LAW54W)


And on the same farm one of the other M120's being used for parts:


On now to Bagley, the village where I used to live from 1989-1994; back then, the Oaks was a derelict farm consisting of a shed and a dutch barn but now its a completely different place...and the owner has 2 Claas Dominator 98s's


And some NH TM's!:



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Now came the tricky part of my intended journey...I was going to take the public footpath from Bagley across the river Perry to Rednal where I hoped I could get a closer look at the CR980 I saw last night.  It was not much fun having my bike with me, the edge of the field wasn't cultivated but had been left to become overgrown, but eventually I got to the bridge to find JD 1075 at work:




There was a little industrial MF in the field too, but I've forgotten to upload the photo for the time being

The field I was walking in became quite boggy all of a sudden, and guess what, my feet both sunk into it.  And I was wearing trainers too, so they went from off white to brown in no time at all.  Lovely!

But there was worse to come.  I eventually came within sight of the CR and intended to skirt the edge of the farm and rejoin the road.  I walked towards what I believed to be a dirt pile...until the the dirt collapsed under my feet and turned out to be chicken excrement :o :'(  And I thought the mud was bad.  Well my feet stank and i was feeling utterly miserable by then, but i did get photos of the CR in the yard, though they're nothing wonderful:



And I saw another TM about to start rolling a field:


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I wasn't going to make any more detours with my feet stinking of a chicken latrine so headed back for Ellesmere, though I did stop and take these two pictures in Rednal, firstly a small glimpse for Chris L of a Fortschritt E517 in a barn:


And this old relic which is now in retirement:


And finally, you may remember this from last years combine hunting, an International 531 taken from some distance parked behind its home farm.


Have jet washed the trainers but i think they'll need going in the machine as well!

Anyway, hope you like the photos :)

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