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Pymoor show 2008


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ok, loads of pics from todays show, before it rained.....then the sun came out a few hours later..... and posted in some kind of order!!! ::), used the late Father in laws DSLR for these ;D ;D ;D

oh and you will notice where Marky showed me some settings on the camera after i had taken some.....and something happened!...kinda blue tinge :-\, he'll explain why.....numpty to anyone who asks why its blue as i've said...see if people read the topic! :D :D :D::)

do they fit on the screen?? ???...looks ok to me ;):) :)

first up...some cars...



quick shot of old machines :D :D ::)



clouds coming  >:( >:(


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Carrot harvester?  :-\




Fergies and Fendt on Standens stand.....wanted a tape measure, went back seconds after seeing them and they had gone, moved out of my way >:(



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seemed a more local one, not great really, first time i've been, no models for sale or clothing really....thank god!..... :D :D :D :D

oh Marky was cold so me and Julie went off in the rain looking for a stall that may have had something for him to wear....jumpers with dogs on, kids cloths in the horse place that was it :D.....then by the Landies was a stand with coats.....to late then as it got warmer :D

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Marky's every HSE mans dream  :D :D :D

They won't let you have it up without a ram stop mate... I knew the Health & Safety man as well - but even that wouldn't have helped... with it down I was a little over my allotted space.. and the obvious tripping hazard risk too  :-\

As for the blue... umm.... not sure why you have that Mr H.... best change the ISO back.. that's all I changed... it was on 200... I changed it to 400 or 600 can't remember now...

Menu... ISO... enter... select 200.... enter  ;):-[

Good pics Mr Holmes... we should have checked them after we changed the ISO really.. my bad  :-[

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no worries, i changed it back to auto!, it was on P wasnt it?? :-\ :-\

i did look at the display but i couldnt see the blue tinge on it then?, still learning how to use it, so have to learn from this!!

whats that website you were telling me about?

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Looks like a good day out for all - bit like our local show ;)

For a local show in a small village like Pymoor Colm it is simply superb... a great turnout from some very large companies... and all in the name of charity too - I've just sent them a cheque for a little more money as it was for the CF trust - a charity very dear to my heart..

I paid for 6x6m's ... but had more like 10x6m - so I feel I owe them really  :-[

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