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Everything posted by smithy

  1. Got into wheat late on saturday afternoon ,as i had been bailing for a customer first 20230812_164958.mp4
  2. One of the lorries leaving farm loaded with winter barley ,we had filled this bay and took 2 loads out and refilled and then had to tip up corner where wheat normally go but had another lorry in and cleared most of that so time to get broom out and tidy up that corner
  3. This is me on another field winter barley last Thursday ,this one was lot drier for wheels to travel
  4. This was last week ,could not get combine to top as just dug in ,had to go across slope to get back to top and cut a section all downhill
  5. Last week turning wet barley straw ,it got slightly wet again last night but hopfully wont need turning again .bit of water sitting in tramlines from the 44mm we had other saturday 20230810_080016.mp4
  6. Yes for the moment ,if they can treat the seed or come up with something that will help control Flea Beetle i will grow it again , i have a rape extension that came with the combine 2 years ago when i bought it and keen to try it . Think it was 3 years ago i planted 30 acres rape ,as you now its not cheap to plant ,looked ok till April and within a few days it was gone so ripped it up and put spring barley in
  7. Thats a lovely little pup ,will keep you on the go for a few months πŸ‘, watch out for little sharp teeth πŸ˜‚
  8. It did well to just pick it up . My 2.75 m Pluton takes some lifting
  9. I looked at one of them stocks machine to put on the back of my Pluton so i could put rape seed in but because i dont have GPS and if i could not maintain a constant forward speed it would be over-seeding if i slowed up , The Bullock Tillage one was cheaper and for about Β£200 extra it had a built on basic GPS for speed same as in Tom-Tom so if i hit a tough bit and slowed up it slowed the seed rate up . I did not buy one as allow i would like to grow rape i am not sure i could control the dam Flea-beetle
  10. We started today around 2pm nice and sunny barley was 13% in one part of field and 17.4% in another part but we kept going ,got about 20 acres cut ,had to keep trailers off field and only do half tank on combine as ground is so soft . One bit on a slight hill i had to get most of it downhill as dug holes trying to go up but got there in the end . We was on land about half-hour away from farm and to make it better for wife carting i called in a mate of mine so they had trailer each and gave them time to keep pushing up . Hopefully get going bit sooner tomorrow allow i have some wet straw to go and try to turn so it can dry so big baler can come in . No photos today as was to busy ,will get some tomorrow
  11. at least you are getting some done ,we just keep getting a bit of rain every day and yes i have very wet straw here i was going to turn it yesterday but it had another 6mm dumped on it so left it alone
  12. Your getting all the action up there ,we was then about to take combine out to field today and big black cloud was heading towards us and yes we got it another 6mm πŸ™
  13. Giving the combine a grease up ,rumor is its going to be dry and hot this week ,makeing use of the major on the mobil fuel bowser .
  14. Its wet ,wet ,wet and raining againg now ,yesterday i got trailer in barn and moved the number plate and light from low down on chassis beam to up on tailgate out of way of getting damaged ,also put some gary-boy flashing lights on it 20230804_203650.mp4
  15. They all need plenty of air flow though them to keep cool because of the AdBlue
  16. Pure musle and its RedπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ₯°
  17. Looks a good run Paul , some right nice tractors in it and yes your Marshall and Leyland looks like it would have been in good company
  18. Welcome to the forum , be nice to see some photos at some point , especially the Scaledown
  19. very nice Trigger ,but only last week you said you might have to sell some as not working πŸ€”, must have found some money down back of the settee
  20. did Weise do a model in sunflower colour or did it have sunflowers on it
  21. no photo but lorry did turn up and i had 20 minutes to load him as he was late but had to be on weighbridge back at Ipswich for 3.45pm otherwise he would have too tip tomorrow and that would mess his day up right from the start , he pulled in mine at 2.40pm and said get on as much as you can because at 3pm i am pulling out with what is on as i will have 45 minutes to be back down ipswich docks , i did get full load on but it was a rush
  22. If you do get there go say hello to Mr Goodwin ,he is there with his brocures
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